What’s temporal arteritis?

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Temporal arteritis causes inflammation of the head’s medium and large arteries. Symptoms include severe head pain, tenderness in the scalp, and difficulty with facial movements. Treatment involves corticosteroids, and prompt medical attention is crucial to avoid serious complications such as stroke or aortic aneurysm.

Temporal arteritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the medium and large arteries of the head. The condition is so named because the inflammation predominantly affects the large arteries lining the temples in the head. When large arteries elsewhere in the body such as the neck become inflamed, the condition is known as giant cell arteritis. Temporal arteritis can become very serious if not treated properly. An individual showing signs of the condition should see a doctor as soon as possible.

The causes of temporal arteritis have not been clearly identified. Sometimes, it can coincide with another health condition. An example of this can be individuals with polymyalgia rheumatica. This is a disorder that causes inflammation and stiffness in the upper arms, neck, hips and shoulders. Commonly, people with temporal arteritis will develop this disorder, and people with polymyalgia rheumatica can develop this condition of inflammation of the arteries.

Severe head pain is generally the most common symptom of this condition. Headaches may have an aching or throbbing sensation that can appear in both temples or just one. Some people will also experience tenderness in the scalp. The head discomfort can be so severe that it can become difficult for the person to lie down, particularly on their side.

Often, any type of facial movement will be painful for a person with temporal arteritis. Facial movements such as yawning, chewing and repetitive talking can become difficult. Other symptoms of temporal arteritis can include double or blurry vision, muscle pain and stiffness, and weight loss. Sometimes, the symptoms will mimic those of a common cold. Under these circumstances, an individual may experience fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite.

A temporal arteritis biopsy may be performed for a correct diagnosis. During a biopsy, a doctor will typically remove a suspicious section of an artery to examine for inflammation. Usually, local anesthesia is used for the procedure. Other diagnostic tests such as a computed tomography (CT) scan, blood test, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be used to diagnose this condition.

Treatment of temporal arteritis usually involves taking corticosteroids. These drugs are often given to treat inflammation. Due to potentially serious complications, it will be important for treatment to begin as soon as the condition is discovered. Some of the more serious complications of this type of artery inflammation can be a stroke or an aortic aneurysm. Both of these serious health problems can lead to paralysis, blindness and sometimes death, so prompt medical treatment is extremely important with this condition.

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