Tetanus immunoglobulin can prevent tetanus infection in those exposed to tetanus-causing bacteria. It contains antibodies against tetanus and provides instant immunity, unlike vaccines, which take months to develop immunity. Tetanus affects one million people annually, mostly in developing countries. Vaccines need booster shots every ten years to maintain effectiveness.
Tetanus immunoglobulin is an injectable drug that can help prevent tetanus infection in those who may have been exposed to tetanus-causing bacteria. The bacteria responsible for tetanus are usually present in the soil, and anyone who has sustained an injury, especially a puncture wound, may be at risk of contracting tetanus. The tetanus vaccine has benefited many people, but those who have never been vaccinated or who have not received a booster vaccination in the past decade may be able to contract tetanus. Tetanus immunoglobulin is not a vaccine, but it can help prevent tetanus infection in those who lack immunity and may have been exposed. Tetanus immunoglobulin is usually made using blood plasma from tetanus-immune donors.
Tetanus vaccines usually contain a certain amount of disease-causing toxins produced by the tetanus bacteria. Introducing these toxins into the body via the vaccine can allow the body’s immune system to develop antibodies against the bacteria, which usually provide immunity. Tetanus immunoglobulin is normally produced in the blood plasma of those who are immune to the tetanus infection and already contains the necessary antibodies against tetanus.
Because tetanus immunoglobulin contains a dose of tetanus antibodies, it can be used to provide instant immunity against tetanus in high-risk people who may have been exposed. Vaccines are generally not helpful for those who have already been exposed, because it may take many months for the body to develop the necessary antibodies. Unlike vaccines, however, tetanus immunoglobulin generally does not provide any lasting protection against tetanus. For lasting protection, a tetanus vaccine is usually needed.
Tetanus, also sometimes called lockjaw, is a bacterial disease. It usually acts on the nervous system to cause muscle contractions, often in the muscles of the jaw, head and neck. While tetanus can be deadly, it doesn’t usually occur in developed countries, where vaccines are often available. However, it is still considered a threat worldwide, as tetanus affects an estimated one million people a year, mostly in developing countries.
Although vaccines against tetanus bacteria are effective, booster shots need to be given every ten years to help them maintain their effectiveness. Those who have not received a vaccine, or who have failed to follow an appropriate tetanus vaccination schedule, may be at risk of contracting tetanus. The bacteria that cause tetanus usually live in the soil and can enter the body through open wounds. They often enter the body through puncture wounds.