Bounce rate is the percentage of users who leave a website after visiting only one page. It’s not necessarily bad, but depends on the website’s structure and function. To calculate it, divide the number of visitors who visit only one page by the total number of visitors. Some sites have a high bounce rate due to their resources, while commerce sites generally want to avoid it. Analyzing bounce rates for specific pages can reveal how people navigate a site.
Bounce rate is a statistic that shows what percentage of users land on one page of a website and then leave, “bouncing” to a different site. It’s one of many statistics that can be used to learn how people use a particular website. Having a high or low bounce rate isn’t necessarily a bad thing, depending on the structure of a website and its function; must be considered in conjunction with other statistics.
To calculate bounce rate, a count of the total number of visitors is divided by the number of people who visit only one page. A site that receives 1,000 visits per day with 200 users visiting only one page has a 20% bounce rate, which is generally considered to be quite low. In addition to looking at bounce rates for entire websites, people can also explore the bounce rate for specific pages. This can sometimes be more revealing in terms of understanding how people navigate a particular site.
Some sites naturally have a high bounce rate due to the way they offer their resources. Sites that collect informational articles and tutorials, for example, encounter many visitors who land on a specific page with a search, read the page to get the information they want, and then leave. This may be perfectly acceptable to the site administrator, although such sites may also try to keep users on the site with related links to other site content.
News outlets also often have a high bounce rate because people land on the front page, skim the headlines, and then walk away. An analysis of a news website’s traffic can reveal that making changes to the way the content is presented encourages people to explore further by clicking on a headline to read a full story. Likewise, gadgets that display related news articles and trending news can encourage users to stay on the site.
High bounce rates are generally undesirable for commerce sites. If users only look at one page and then leave, it shows that they are not moving through the sales and checkout process. This can be because users are checking prices and planning to come back later, but it can also mean that users are not happy with the offers, can’t find what they are looking for, or think they can find better prices elsewhere.