What’s the chronovisor?

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The Chronovisor was a device owned by the Vatican that allowed people to view events in the past or future. It was built in the 1950s by Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti and 12 renowned scientists. Father Ernetti claimed to have seen important historical events, including the crucifixion of Christ and a lost play. The device was allegedly dismantled and Father Ernetti retracted his statements before his death, but some believe he was coerced into doing so.

According to French priest and paranormal author, François Brune, the Chronovisor was a Vatican-owned device that allowed people to view events in the past or future. Brune’s 2002 book, “The New Vatican Mystery” states that the Chronovisor was built in the 1950s by the Italian scientist and priest, Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti (1925-1994), along with twelve world-renowned scientists. Among the scientists nominated by Father Ernetti were Nobel laureate and physicist Enrico Fermi and rocket scientist Wernher von Braun.

The Chronovisor has been described as a large cabinet with antennas made of alloys of unknown metals, an attached cathode ray tube, and a control panel of buttons and levers. According to “The New Vatican Mystery,” Father Ernetti said the chronovisor could be programmed to view and record specific times, places, and even people in the past or future. Father Ernetti also claimed that the Chronovisor worked by processing the electromagnetic radiation residues of past events.

Father Ernetti claimed to have personally seen a number of important historical events with the Chronovisor, the most notable being the crucifixion of Christ. In 1972, the May issue of the Italian weekly “La Domenica del Corriere” published a photo depicting the crucifixion and claimed that it had been taken with a chronovisor. Father Ernetti denied this, citing the clarity and closeness of the photo as unusual of the Chronovisor’s photographic abilities. The photo later turned out to be strikingly similar to a reverse image of a wooden sculpture by sculptor Cullot Valera.

In addition to the crucifixion and a speech given by Napoleon Bonaparte, Father Ernetti said he also saw a 169 BC production of the tragedy, “Thyeste”, which has been considered a lost work in the modern era as only fragments of the text remains intact. Ernetti said he reconstructed the entire text, which was then translated into English by Princeton University professor Dr. Katherine Owen Eldred. Eldred noted in her analysis of her that she believed Ernetti wrote the play himself rather than transcribing an original performance.

In a 2003 interview, François Brune related that a few months before Father Ernetti’s death in 1994, Ernetti told him that he had just taken part in a meeting at the Vatican with the last remaining scientists working on the chronovisor. According to Father Ernetti via Brune, the Chronovisor had been dismantled by that time. On his deathbed, Father Ernetti allegedly retracted his statements about the Chronovisor; however, Brune theorized that Ernetti was coerced into making a false confession.

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