What’s the Church of England?

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The Church of England is the official Christian church in England and the mother church of Anglican beliefs. It is not considered a Protestant church but incorporates elements of both Catholic and Protestant beliefs. Anglicanism began when King Henry VIII rejected Roman authority over English worship. The Church of England has introduced Anglicanism to many parts of the world, and the Episcopal Church in the United States was originally a branch of the Church of England.

The officially established Christian church in the nation of England is known as the Church of England or the Anglican church. As well as being the seat of Christian worship in England, the Church of England is also the mother church of Anglican beliefs and is considered the most senior branch of the Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion refers to a group of churches around the world that are in accord with the Canterbury See or Office, the highest bishopric of the Anglican church. These churches do not submit to Roman authority, along with many other branches of Christianity.

The roots of Christianity in England are quite ancient, with evidence of Christian worship emerging as early as the 1st century AD. During the medieval era, England followed the Roman Catholic Church, based in the Vatican. However, the growing conflicts between church and state led England to join the Protestant movement. The Protestant Reformation in Europe caused a serious rift in the Church, with Protestants rejecting Roman authority, viewing the Bible as the ultimate source of religious information, and believing that through faith alone, Christians could find redemption.

Anglicanism took a leap forward when King Henry VIII of England officially rejected Roman authority over English worship. He was concerned that the church had too much power, and he was also dissatisfied with some aspects of Roman doctrine. Under her daughter Elizabeth I, the English church went through further reforms, with Elizabeth advocating the adoption of a Book of Common Prayer and the 39 Articles, a list of basic statements that are used as a foundation for Anglican doctrine.

Despite its connection to the Protestant split, the Church of England is not considered a Protestant church. Many people consider it a cross between Roman Catholic and Protestant beliefs, as it incorporates a little of both.
During the period of upheaval in England marked by the English Civil War, the Church of England underwent a number of important changes, although it reemerged in a more or less familiar form in 1662. As the English explored and settled other parts of the world, they have introduced new people to the Anglican Church, and many churches around the world follow the doctrine and principles of Anglicanism. The Episcopal Church, which originally began as a branch of the Church of England, is now officially separate and based in the United States. Despite their divisions, these two churches are similar in many ways, representing their relatively recent split.

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