The Floo Network is a magical transportation system in Harry Potter that connects fireplaces across Britain. It uses floo powder to activate the chimney and allows witches and wizards to travel to their desired destination. The network has its flaws, and a team of regulators manages it. It is the preferred method of transportation for underage wizards.
The Floo Net is a magical method of transportation in the Harry Potter novels and can be used by witches and wizards of all skill levels, because it does not require an act of magic on the part of the traveler to operate. A network of fireplaces across Britain is magically connected to form the Floo Network through a process that is never explained in the book, although it could arguably be compared to the method used to connect telephone lines in the Muggle world. When travel is desired, a witch or wizard uses a substance known as floo powder to activate the chimney, then steps in, points to the destination, and travels across the network to another chimney.
The name of the Floo network is probably a pun on “chimney”, for fireplace. Floo powder turns fire green and appears to prevent the witch or wizard who uses it from burning as well. The amount of floo needed doesn’t appear to be specific: Harry Potter gets “a handful” of it in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Once the flames turn green, the traveler must speak their desired destination loudly and clearly, then tuck their elbows in for the journey, which whirls the mage through the Floo Network, providing vague glimpses of other destinations, before expelling for good. the wizard from the other end. The procedure seems messy and a bit unpleasant, with many travelers emerging covered in soot and sometimes even with broken glass.
More flamboyant wizards step into the fire and then throw the floo, probably using a Freezing Charm to render the flames of the fire harmless. Others use the Floo network to talk to each other, carrying only a head, rather than an entire body. This rapid communication technique can be used in emergency situations where the magician’s body must remain still, for various reasons. The Floo network isn’t without its flaws either; if a mage fails to clearly indicate the final destination, he will end up somewhere else and potentially in a dangerous situation.
A team of Floo Network Regulators work for the Floo Network Authority to manage the Floo Network, presumably also providing connect and disconnect services. For obvious reasons, Muggle fireplaces aren’t included in the Floo Network, although Arthur Weasley does a favor during Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to have the Dursleys’ fireplace plugged in for the evening, so he can take Harry Potter. For underage wizards who can’t apparate or perform magic outside of school yet, the Floo Net is the preferred method of transportation.