The Flynn effect is a global phenomenon where IQs of the population increase over time. James R. Flynn is the recognized proponent, collecting data from around the world since the 1980s. The cause of the increase is unknown, but factors such as education, nutrition, and environment may contribute. Genetics also play a role. Intelligence tests should be updated regularly to measure IQ more accurately.
The Flynn effect is the term for a phenomenon in which an increase in intelligent quotients (IQs) of the population is observed. These observations are largely based on the test results of several smart tests, such as fluid and crystallized smart tests. All data was collected from around the world, from countries such as Australia, China and the United States, making the Flynn Effect a global event.
The recognized proponent of the Flynn effect is James R. Flynn, a professor emeritus in New Zealand, as well as a philosopher and moralist. It was actually Richard Lynn, another professor emeritus in Britain, who first wrote about the rising model, but it was Flynn who collected, studied and presented the data. Since the early 1980s, Flynn has been collecting statistics and figures from different countries for several decades and has noticed a gradual increase in smart test test scores. This means that later generations scored higher than previous generations who took the same tests. Some statistics show that there is an increase of at least 3 points for each decade and 25 points at most.
The implications of the data have prompted many people to find the cause of the increase, a question that has not yet been definitively answered. A simple explanation for the Flynn effect is that candidates are simply more familiar with the tests, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that students are smarter. Schools have made greater efforts to provide reviews to students, and previous smart tests are considered “proof”. Another explanation for the trend is nutrition. A healthier eating lifestyle can be proven to provide the brain with better performance, but nutrition cannot be the only contributor to the increase in IQ.
Others speculate that a higher standard of education led to the Flynn effect. Studies have shown that students with more years of education earned higher points than those with the least. Parents are also a factor as they instill the importance of education in their children and invest more in their studies. Some observers also attribute the modern environment as a cause of the increase in IQ, as today’s environment and progressive technology provide more stimulation to the brain.
When viewed holistically, all of these external factors can actually trigger the Flynn effect. An important internal factor is genetic inheritance from one generation to the next, suggesting that “nature” and “nurture” should go together in better intelligence. Flynn has suggested that all intelligence tests be updated regularly to measure IQ more accurately.