What’s the hint?

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Clue, also known as Cluedo outside of the US, is a popular mystery board game where players attempt to solve a murder. It was introduced in 1949 by Waddingtons and later licensed to Parker Brothers and Hasbro. Players move around a mansion board and make suggestions or accusations to solve the crime using logical deduction. The game includes miniature weapons and three sets of cards representing suspects, rooms, and weapons. The first player to make an accurate accusation wins.

Clue is a mystery board game designed for a group of players individually attempting to solve a murder. Outside of the US, this game is known as Cluedo. Many game stores carry Clue, and the game has become a part of popular culture in some regions of the world, thanks to it being so well known.
Clue was introduced to the world in 1949 by Waddingtons, a British game manufacturer; the game was invented by Anthony Pratt. Waddingtons licensed the game to Parker Brothers for sale in the United States, and both companies were later absorbed by Hasbro, which continues to sell Clue along with its many spin-offs, which include themed versions of the game, movies , books and computerized versions.

The premise in Clue is quite simple. The players are informed that they are guests at a mansion, but the mansion’s owner has been killed. They have to figure out who killed the owner of the mansion, where he was killed and what weapon is being used. Each guest is considered a suspect, heightening the game’s tensions, and players roll dice to move pawns representing their characters around a board representing the mansion in an attempt to solve the murder.

In addition to the board and player pieces, Clue also includes a set of miniature weapons representing weapons that could have been used in the crime. Clue also includes three sets of cards representing suspects, rooms and weapons. At the start of the game, one card is drawn from each pile and placed in a secret envelope, while the rest of the cards are dealt to the players, who must figure out which cards are in the envelope using logical deduction.

Players can make suggestions or accusations. In a hint, a player attempts to get more information about the cards in the envelope by moving into a room and hinting that the crime was committed in that room with a weapon of their choice. If another player has a card that disproves the suggestion, he will privately show the card to the player who made the suggestion; only one disproving card needs to be shown, so if multiple cards disprove the suggestion, the player only sees one.

In an accusation, a player thinks they have solved the crime. An accusation can be made anywhere on the board, even between rooms. After making the accusation, the player opens the secret envelope; if he’s right, it’s game over. If not, play continues and the player is considered out of the game, except that he must show cards that disprove the hints. The process continues until someone makes an accurate allegation.

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