Military oaths of service vary between countries and branches of service. In the US, the oath is made to the Constitution and President, while in the UK it is made to the monarchy. Oaths often include religious references, but alternatives like affirmations are available for those who object.
The oath of service is an oath loaned and loaned by individuals who are served in military service. They juramento can vary between the different branches of military service and, normally, also varies between the countries. Nos EUA, for example, the oath is made in relation to the Constitution of the EU and to the president of the United States, while the oath no Reino Unido is lent to the reigning monarch and to the monarchy in general. The oath of enlistment generally includes mentioning a God or a religious figure, and those who wish to avoid their religious ties may, in this case, affirm their loyalty.
Like other oaths, like cargo oaths lent by military officers and government officials, the oath of flight is a declaration of loyalty and purpose. It establishes an establishment clearly defined by the structure of power and instills a sense of duty from those who take the liberty. They generally vary from country to country, generally including specific information relating to a particular country, and the list can be altered for different military branches in a specific country.
Our EUA, for example, the oath of registration includes a promise to “defender the Constituição dos Estados Unidos against all inimigos, estrangeiros and domestics”. They also include a vow of loyalty to “Presidente dos Estados Unidos e às ordens dos oficiais designados sobre mim” and conclude with the phrase “Portanto, ajude-me Deus”. There is a separate pledge made by the officers, which includes many of the same idiom as the pledging pledge, but with additional provisions to adequately fulfill your responsibilities as an officer.
The pledging oath in the United Kingdom, on the other hand, includes a declaration of loyalty to the monarchy generally, generally with a specific mention to the current ruling monarch. I use the phrase “Portanto, ajude-me Deus” em juramentos é bastante comum no hemisfério occidental, and this religious association em prestar juramentos levou a opções Alternates, como afirmações. Some people can usually make a swath of a list, but declare that they “affirm” instead of “jura” that the swath is true, and do not repeat any part of the swath that includes mention of religious concepts. Isso they are used by those who can have atheistic points of view, as well as by religious individuals who follow principles that impede vows in the name of God.