The Major Fools Theory is the belief that an overpriced investment will eventually be bought by a “major crowd” at an even higher price. This can work during economic bubbles, but can lead to losses and market crashes when the bubble bursts. When many investors buy into the theory, it can create its own bubbles and crashes with greater economic implications. The theory is risky and requires luck and market insight to avoid losses.
The Major Fools Theory is an investment belief that explains why some investors buy things like real estate, stocks, or art that appear to be overpriced. Even if the investment isn’t worth the asking price – and in many cases it isn’t – the theory teaches that, sooner or later, a “major crowd” will come along and want to buy it at an even higher price, thus earning a profit from the investment. original investor. This is especially true during tough economic times and in markets saturated with buyers. Things can be more difficult in times of crisis or a market crash; in these cases, it can take a long time for that bigger fool to appear. When waiting is too long, there is a real possibility of loss, and most economic experts don’t recommend that people place too much faith in the theory unless they have done a lot of independent market research beforehand. There may also be greater economic implications if many investors buy into the theory early in a declining market. When there aren’t enough willing buyers, this type of speculative investment can lead to bursting bubbles and rapid market crashes.
When it works
In times of economic “bubble,” the greatest fool theory seems to work. One of the defining characteristics of a bubble is that it creates artificial value, most often in stocks or real estate. As long as investors are frantic, they are often willing to overpay – and in some cases overpayment becomes the market standard and the “new normal”. People often buy things and then try to “flip” or sell them a little quickly in these situations.
When it doesn’t
Bubbles and inflated markets don’t last forever. Extremely overvalued stocks and material properties will almost inevitably see a rapid decline in their values when that happens. This often leads to substantial problems for investors who depended on a major fool to turn a profit. People in these situations often sell their properties at a great loss, made worse if the price they paid was overstated. In most cases, once the market bubble bursts, there is no safety and the potential for catastrophic loss becomes very real. This is often referred to as a “correction” in the market.
Greater economic implications
An individual investor, or even a small minority of investors, acting on the theory of the biggest fools usually does not cause any sort of economic ripple. It is usually very difficult for individual investments, no matter how large, to influence the market. There is simply too much money in the system for individual losses or gains to count in the big picture.
Things tend to get more problematic when the theory starts to become a mainstream belief. When many investors decide to go into this theory at the same time, it can sometimes actually create their own bubbles and ultimately their own crashes, most of which impact virtually everyone. When investors who have collectively invested in something like junk stocks, overvalued real estate, or questionable value art all take losses at once, that could be enough to make some new investors rethink their buying strategy. There is an argument to be made that this could be a good thing in the long run. In the short term, however, it can be disastrous, causing buying to slow down and possibly even a market crash in extreme cases.
Evaluate the risk
While the biggest fool theory has the potential to make one very wealthy, paying more for something worthwhile is always risky. At some point, someone will be left holding the overvalued chunk of the property. Regularly relying on the theory means that there is potential for gambling to catch up with any investor. Avoiding losses would require a significant amount of luck in the long run, as well as insight into what the market might do in the future.