The manipura chakra, located near the solar plexus or navel, is the chakra of willpower and success in Hinduism. It governs organs such as the pancreas, gallbladder, and liver, and is associated with confidence and energy. Balancing the chakra through various practices can lead to physical and mental well-being.
The word chakra comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” and in Hinduism chakras are energy centers located in different parts of the body, each represented by a different symbol like a flower or a wheel. Each chakra is thought to have different properties and characteristics, including a mantra, a color, and a connection to various physical, emotional, and spiritual functions. The Manipura chakra is thought to be located near the spine, in line with the solar plexus or navel. According to Hindu tradition, the manipura chakra is the chakra of willpower and success, and is thought to govern several organs, including the pancreas, gallbladder, and liver. The idea of chakras is an important part of Hinduism, kundalini yoga, and some Buddhist and Tibetan traditions, and has also been incorporated into several Western therapeutic practices such as aromatherapy, Reiki, and sound therapy.
The manipura chakra is sometimes called the third primary chakra, based on the Hindu tradition of the seven primary chakras. Its symbol is an inverted red triangle surrounded by ten dark blue lotus petals. In Hinduism, an important purpose of the manipura chakra is that it radiates prana, which can be translated as vital energy or vital life. This energy is thought to affect the body and mind, and if this specific chakra is balanced, meaning its energy is flowing properly, it has positive effects such as making a person more confident and energetic, and healthier physically as well. However, if the manipura chakra is out of balance, a person can suffer from adverse effects such as depression, arthritis, indigestion and anger.
The significance of the manipura chakra for both mental and physical well-being makes it very important in various spiritual and therapeutic practices, including yoga and meditation. Practitioners often strive for chakra balancing or chakra healing if the chakra energy is thought to be out of balance or blocked. To achieve this, various approaches can be used, such as meditation, breathing exercises, essential oils and mindful breathing. Sometimes, chakra therapy includes touching the specific chakra with hands, crystals, or gems.
Healing the manipura chakra is thought to lead to better physical health, for example by improving digestion and fighting diabetes. It is also thought to help make a person less selfish and more charitable in their relationships with other people and the world at large. Chakra therapy is not a scientifically proven medical treatment, but practitioners say that greater physical and mental well-being can be achieved by balancing the energy of the chakras.