What’s the meaning of “Let Justice Rush to Heaven”?

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Fiat justitia ruat caelum, meaning “may justice be done even if the heavens fall,” has been used since ancient times by Greek and Roman leaders and in historical writings. It has been applied in pursuit of justice from a moral and philosophical approach, and is still used in modern times. The phrase’s true meaning and contextual ideas about justice outcomes have been debated by writers.

The phrase fiat justitia ruat caelum translates to “may justice be done even if the heavens fall.” This maxim about the urgent need for justice has been used in different ways since its origin, which dates back to the end of the 1st century BC. The Latin phrase is more of a general philosophical statement than a legal technical term.

Ancient Greek and Roman leaders used the phrase fiat justitia ruat caelum and it appeared in historical writings. In a sort of reversal of the general meaning of the phrase, historians cite a Roman document including an anecdote about a Roman official named Gnaeus Piso, where in the “Justice of Piso” the term is used to indicate the heavy or incorrect application of a sentence or verdict for technical reasons or “for the sake of justice”. In other applications, the phrase has a more positive meaning.

In modern times, the phrase fiat justitia ruat caelum has been applied in many different ways, again, not as a technical legal term, but in pursuit of justice from a moral and philosophical approach. Documentary makers quoted it in early English law, where the phrase was sometimes slightly changed to Fiat justitia et ruant coeli. Prior to the American Revolution, historians say the phrase applied to some of those who later inspired America’s founders to break with the British crown, which, as students of American history know, was not done. without major controversy. Phrases such as fiat justitia ruat caelum could have been used by those arguing about King George III’s alleged insanity and tyranny, especially regarding American independence.

The Latin phrase for “justice be done even if the skies fall” can still be useful in emphasizing the pursuit of modern justice. Some states apparently use the phrase in courtroom decoration. The phrase has also been used in modern film and other artistic venues.

Some attempts to decipher the true meaning of fiat justitia ruat caelum go back to the cultures around the origins of the term. A writer named Alan Donegal writes extensively on the nuances of the phrase’s meaning and the idea of ​​pursuing justice, ‘whatever the consequences’. Donegal writes that “that precept was enunciated in a culture in which it was thought impossible for the heavens to fall as a result of doing what one had to do.” The writer goes on to explain that society’s contextual ideas about the outcomes of justice have a lot to do with the use of the phrase and other similar ideas about law.

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