“Get up and go” is an idiom meaning enthusiasm and energy, not a physical action. It can be overwhelming for others, but is a positive trait in a mate or employee. Those with “get up and go” value independence and may not respond well to being told what to do. To deal with their energy, one can either match it or have a clarifying conversation.
The idiom “get up and go” might suggest that this is what a reasonable person does when someone is yelling at them in public. In fact, nothing could be further than the truth. “Get up and go” is something a person has, not something he does. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as English speakers know all too well that idioms very rarely actually mean what they appear to say. In fact, someone with a lot of up and go is full of enthusiasm and energy and can’t wait to get out there and tackle a project.
There is nothing better than waking up full of getting up and going. Those who are receiving, however, may feel differently as it can be difficult to keep up with too much. By the time a normal person has gotten up and had a cup of coffee, a piece of toast, and is ready to leave, there’s a good chance that friend walked out the door years ago. People with lots to do don’t like being held up or told to wait, and therefore don’t stay long enough to be told.
While keeping up with such energy is nearly impossible, it is a positive trait in a mate or employee. Knowing that such an energetic person is preparing to complete an assignment in record time means that more can be done in the day. The problem is that people characterized by a lot of ups and downs rarely want to share it with others.
In its subtext, the expression suggests an independent streak. Someone with get up and go doesn’t want anyone else to tell them what to do. These are generally the kind of people who dance with their own drummers, blaze their own paths, and chart their own destinies.
For those who don’t like being led the way, it’s best to avoid people with an overabundance of get up and go. There are really only two things to do when their enthusiasm gets on your nerves. The best way to get along with such a person is to also get angry and try to gather enough steam to get things moving in the right direction. If that doesn’t work, sitting down for a clarifying conversation explaining that so much energy is sucking the air out of everyone else might be enough to slow things down, but probably not.