The Nephilim are a biblical race born from the union of “daughters of men” and “Sons of God.” They are described as giants or half-angel hybrids, and their fate is subject to debate. Some believe they became heroes, while others say they rebelled against heaven and were wiped out by God. The prevailing myth suggests that fallen angels mated with mortal women to produce the Nephilim.
The Nephilim (singular form is Naphil), also called the “Guardians,” are an antediluvian biblical race said to have sprung from the “daughters of men” and the “Sons of God.” A reference to them is made in Genesis 6:1-7. The Nephilim are usually translated as “fallen.”
There is much speculation about what the Nephilim really are, as no one is really sure what the phrase “Children of God” alludes to. While some theologians argue that the term “Sons of God” simply refers to godly or righteous men, others believe the best interpretation is also the most obvious: a naphil is the result of interactions between the earthly and the divine. Naturally, the result of this union is also subject to debate. A naphil is itself described as a giant, monster, or half-angel hybrid.
The prevailing myth, however, would lead us to believe that the definition begins with the story of fallen angels. The creators of this myth cite both the biblical text and the apocryphal books of the Dead Sea Scrolls, especially the Book of Giants, to lend credence to their theory.
This story tells us that a high-ranking angel named Shemhazai led a group of followers to Earth to instruct mankind in the paths of righteousness. After a few centuries, perhaps due to their stay on earth for so long, the angels found themselves developing very human passions and began to look at the women of the Earth with the eyes of men. They mated with these mortal women and produced children, which are the Nephilim.
Here the fate of the Nephilim seems to divide. Some texts seem to state that the Nephilim became heroes or great men and left it at that. Others dispute that while the Nephilem were strong and powerful, they were also attracted to sin. They were said to have staged a rebellion against heaven, incurring the wrath of God. Eventually, when their wickedness threatened to spread across the earth, God commanded the angel Gabriel to incite a war among them, which ultimately wiped out all their race.