What’s the phone network?

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The Home Phone Networking Alliance (HPNA) sets the standard for using telephone lines to connect computers at home. Version 2.0 offers 10mbps data streams, and up to 25 devices can be supported. However, there are physical and coverage limits, and noise on the voice line may occur. Each computer needs an internal or external card, and the total cost is around $100. Other technologies include electrical networks, wireless, and Ethernet.

The telephone network connects computers in your home using existing telephone lines. The standard for this technology is set by the Home Phone Networking Alliance (HPNA), often referred to as HomePNA. The first incarnation of HPNA, version 1.0, was very slow at 1 megabit per second (mbsp). Version 2.0, developed by Broadcom, increased that speed to a more acceptable 10 mbps.

The telephone line network uses frequency division multiplexing (FDM) to create multiple channels for data transfer. These channels operate at frequencies not used by voice carrier signals or DSL modems, allowing a single telephone line to support all three technologies simultaneously.

The advantages of the telephone network are ease of installation, low cost and reliability. Delivers 10mbps data streams, regardless of phone usage. No additional devices, such as routers or switches, are needed, and the phone line network will support up to 25 devices. It is fast enough to deliver video and works on Macintosh and PC computers.

Some disadvantages are that the telephone line network requires a telephone jack near each computer or the use of extension cords. If you typically transfer large amounts of data between computers, you may need faster technology such as Ethernet (100 mbps). The telephone line network also has a physical limit of 1,000 feet (305 meters) of total cabling and a coverage limit of 10,000 square feet (929 square meters). In some cases, installing a telephone network may cause noise on the voice line. You may need low-pass filters, available at most electronics stores.

To configure the telephone line network, each computer must have either an internal PCI card or an external USB card installed. When purchasing telephone line network cards, be sure to purchase cards rated HPNA 2.0 or higher. The kits come with one or more boards and software. The total cost is about $100 to set up two computers and a printer.
Telephone line networking can be a simple and inexpensive solution for setting up a home network. Other technologies include electrical networks, wireless and Ethernet. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered before choosing the technology that best suits your needs.

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