Primitive data types are default data in computer programming languages that cannot be changed by programmers. Examples include characters and integers, which vary in different languages. Strings and integers can be affected by computer hardware limitations.
A primitive data type is a computer term used to describe data that exists within a computer programming language by default. Typically, the values of these data types cannot be changed by a computer programmer. For example, if a computer program were a brick wall, primitive data types would be a special kind of brick that can’t be broken down or further refined. An example of primitive data is the character “a”; this character means itself and is used to represent more complex information by combining it with other information. While the precise primitive data types available in a given computer programming language vary from language to language, integers and characters are the basic primitive data types available in most of them.
“Character” is one of the basic primitive data types available in most computer programming languages, and is sometimes referred to in the short form “char”. This data type includes most single symbols that can be entered into a computer with a single keystroke, such as the number symbol “5”, punctuation marks such as “.” and the letter “b”. However, the term character doesn’t just mean a letter, number, or punctuation mark. Control characters such as delete, tab and backspace also fall under the character of the primitive data type.
In general, anything that is a primitive data type is also a value type, which means that the data isn’t very picky. Data does not always have to be recorded in the same way. For example, it usually doesn’t matter in which order the bytes describing the data are stored.
One area in which some programming languages vary is their treatment of strings. As a computer term, a string is a sequence of symbols, such as characters. Some programming languages support strings and treat them as a primitive data type, while other languages lack basic data type support.
Integers are one area where computer hardware can affect the handling of primitive data types. In computer terminology, an integer represents one or more mathematical integers. Different central processing units (CPUs) have different limits on how many bytes can be used to represent an integer. Sometimes, this is something computer programmers keep in mind so that their programs can run on as many different types of CPUs as possible.