A shipping notice confirms delivery of goods or services, states that they are satisfactory, and indicates payment will be submitted by a certain date. It can be simple or complex and serves as a cross-check for electronic payments. It was originally used to extend courtesy to valued business partners.
A shipping notice is a document sometimes issued as a courtesy to a vendor or supplier. The text of the document generally confirms the delivery of goods or services requested by the customer, states that the products are satisfactory, and indicates that payment for the order is being prepared and will be submitted by a certain date. In some cases, the notice accompanies the payment and a copy of the invoice for the order. While not considered necessary or required in most business settings, the remittance advice remains a staple of business etiquette in many nations, with technology now allowing electronic versions to be sent to vendors alongside the most convenient method. traditional way of preparing and publishing a printed document.
The exact format of a shipping notice can be very simple or extremely complex. The most simplistic examples may contain minimal information such as the order number, the date the order was received, the amount due, and the date payment will be sent to the vendor. More complex examples may include an itemized list of each item included in the order, including unit and extended prices for each of those items, a grand total, the check number for payment, and the date the check will be mailed. . In cases where payment is remitted electronically, the remittance notice may document a recently completed payment or advise the provider to expect to receive the electronic payment by a certain date.
In the past, the purpose of the shipping notice was not only to provide confirmation of receipt of an order and notification of a pending payment, but also as a means of extending the courtesy to a valued business partner. Although not required, the issuance of documents of this type made it easier for business owners to anticipate when payments would be made, which in turn helped vendors in the process of scheduling payments to their creditors. For business owners who used outside accounting firms to manage their accounts payable and receivable, it was not unusual for the shipping notice to be sent directly to the business while the payment was remitted to a separate shipping address.
Today, the remittance advice serves the same basic purpose and can serve as a cross check when electronic payments are scheduled for delivery on a certain date. In this application, a customer can schedule an electronic payment to be deposited in two to three business days directly into the provider’s bank account. Once the payment is scheduled, the customer informs the seller via email that the payment is scheduled and should arrive by a certain date. Details often include the invoice number associated with the payment, the amount of the payment, and possibly a transaction number that can be used to track the payment in case it doesn’t post on the designated day.
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