Forbidden fruit refers to something attractive but prohibited, often due to social or religious reasons. It can include sinful or inappropriate acts, secret knowledge, and illegal substances. Denying access can increase interest. Some cultures have literal forbidden fruits, and the identity of the fruit in the Book of Genesis is debated.
Forbidden fruit is something attractive but not permitted, usually due to social or religious proscriptions. This term has its origins in the Book of Genesis, where Adam and Eve eat from the tree of knowledge despite being told not to, and end up facing certain consequences. When people refer to “forbidden fruit,” it includes the suggestion that ignoring the prohibition against it could have serious consequences.
The term is often associated with acts considered sinful or inappropriate, such as things of a sexual nature. Some people may also use it to refer to secret and potentially dangerous knowledge, in reference to the original transgression of Adam and Eve. Social conventions may disapprove of consuming something or engaging in a certain activity, treating it as a forbidden fruit, and sometimes this can make it more appetizing. Denying people the opportunity to do something can paradoxically sometimes increase their interest in it.
Some actions are not only socially unacceptable, they are also illegal. Many people regard the use of illegal drugs as an example of forbidden fruit, for example. The illegality of things like drinking alcohol for people under drinking age can create a veil of intrigue that makes them more attractive. The legal consequences for using prohibited substances can vary, but could create a barrier to seeking help if they have a problem, because people may fear legal penalties in the wake of something like alcohol poisoning at a party they attended minors.
The term is usually used metaphorically, but there are some examples of literal forbidden fruit. In Polynesian culture, for example, breadfruit is considered taboo for women and they are not allowed to consume it. Other cultures might reserve specific fruits or fruit products for people in positions of power or privilege. They could also limit access to hallucinogenic plants to people acting as shamans or sorcerers, because they use these plants in specifically religious contexts, not recreational contexts. While other community members may consume these forbidden fruits, it may be frowned upon.
The identity of the original fruit in Eden has been a topic of lively discussion. It is often assumed to be an apple, but many other fruits, including the fig and tomato, have been proposed as potential candidates. Figs play a prominent role in Genesis, and since Adam and Eve also cover themselves in fig leaves after eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, it is possible that the original story was intended to refer to figs.