The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is a system developed by ACGIH to protect workers from exposure to chemicals and physical agents. TLV is used to analyze exposure to workplace fumes, gases, mists, sprays, vapors, and dusts. The purpose of determining TLV is to safeguard the health of workers. TLV is measured in parts per million (PPM) and milligrams per cubic meter. Short-term and upper TLV limits are used to regulate or limit exposure to sources of particulate matter.
Threshold limit value is used to describe the limit below which workers can be safely exposed to a substance on a daily basis. This limit is only used in connection with concentrated airborne particles, not liquids. The workplace threshold value is commonly based on eight or seven hour shifts, which are the normal number of hours in the working day.
The Threshold Limit Value is a system for analyzing exposure to chemicals and physical agents developed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), originally called the National Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. This organization developed Threshold Limit Values in the 1940’s and 1950’s through extensive research and these values serve as a guide for industries in protecting their workers. These values can be applied in industrial ventilation, biological exposure and chemicals in the workplace.
Substances included in the TLV study include workplace fumes, gases, mists, sprays, vapors and dusts. All of these substances have their own units of measurement. Vapors and gases are measured in parts per million (PPM) and particulates such as mists, fumes, fumes and dusts are measured in milligrams per cubic meter. The purpose of determining the threshold limit value is to safeguard the health of workers.
Formaldehyde, for example, is a fairly common industrial and commercial chemical in many workplaces. It is a suspected human carcinogen, meaning long-term exposure could lead to cancer. Short-term effects at low concentrations of formaldehyde include mild discomfort, such as a tickling sensation in the back of the throat. Exposure to higher concentrations could cause lung inflammation, pulmonary edema or even death.
Particulate matter is a mixture of liquid droplets and solid particles in the air. Some of these particles are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Some of the sources of particulate matter include industries and power plants. Regulating or limiting the level of continued exposure to sources of these particulates will help protect workers.
A short-term threshold limit value is the period of time a worker can be subjected to a maximum exposure limit. This exposure to higher than normal concentrations is offset by a much shorter continuous time limit, usually 15 minutes, followed by a long break. Such exposures can usually be performed no more than four times a day. The upper threshold limit value is the maximum concentration to which a worker can be subjected at any time, regardless of the circumstances.