What’s the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?

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The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was founded in 1874 to combat the harmful effects of alcohol on families. It became one of the most powerful women’s groups of the 19th century and expanded its platform to include issues detrimental to the traditional family unit. The WCTU added suffrage to its platform in 1879, and still exists today, campaigning against harmful substances and influences such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, and pornography. The group defines a household as one man and one woman, which explains their position on same-sex marriage and abortion.

Founded in 1874, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WTCU) is a national nonsectarian group that originated in Cleveland, Ohio, to help combat what members believed to be the destructive effects of alcohol consumption on families. Although its name contains the word Christian, a nonsectarian organization is one that is not affiliated with any particular religious order. Inspired by temperance rallies, the group began forming in 1873, in northeastern US states such as New York and Ohio. The WCTU quickly became one of the most powerful women’s groups of the 19th century and, in the 20th century, expanded its platform to include anything it deemed detrimental to the traditional family unit.

Temperance movements are active in many countries and are basically social campaigns against the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In the United States, the movement began in the 18th century but became officially organized, with the founding of the American Temperance Society, in 18. Movements like this are also known as prohibition – short for “prohibition of alcohol” – and teetotal movements . Teetotaler is abstinence from alcohol, and practitioners are known as teetotalers.

Annie Wittermeyer was the group’s first president. She felt it was important that the organization focus on its core issue, the dangers of alcohol, and not dilute its platform by taking on other issues such as suffrage, which was women’s right to vote and hold public office. When Frances Willard took over as leader of the group in 1879, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union added suffrage to the platform. Willard believed that women should be able to vote on alcohol issues. Her efforts to have the WCTU take a more active role in politics, however, were unsuccessful.

The Christian Women’s Temperance Union still exists. To join, prospective members must make a pledge by promising to abstain from alcohol and pay dues. The group has added other issues to its platform, including campaigns against abortion, cigarette smoking, illegal drugs, and same-sex marriage.

Family unity and the sanctity of human life are very important to the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. Defines a household as one man and one woman. These beliefs help explain their position on same-sex marriage and abortion.
The group still focuses on combating any substances consumed that it deems harmful, such as drugs and alcohol, but also seeks to educate people about activities that some consider addictive, such as gambling and pornography. Illicit drugs and degenerative pastimes are believed by members to be dangerous influences. Therefore, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union seeks to create and protect communities free from such harmful substances and influences.

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