Transcription paper is a special type of paper used in transcription machines, but modern transcription services are moving towards electronic formats. Transcribers may use specific machines or work directly on a computer, and the type of paper required varies depending on the machine. The plain, flat type of transcription paper that can be fed through a standard printer has the longest lifespan.
Transcription paper is a special type of paper used in transcription machines, distinguished by its thickness. It can come in flat packs or in rolls. Flat packs can be a variety of paper sizes and can contain individual or connected sheets. This type of paper may also have special attributes that make the paper more appropriate for its intended use, such as having an adhesive.
There are several transcription services, including those for use in courts and legal professionals and in the medical sector. Transcription is the process of taking content that is in one format and transforming it into another. Typically, transcribers change audio to text, but they may also be tasked with changing written script into a typed format or ordinary text into Braille, for example. Transcription paper is the special type of paper used to print the output of the transcription process.
Transcriptionists may use specific machines, in some cases, to complete their work. These transcription machines are built to ease the conversion process. One of the characteristics of these machines is usually the type of paper required. Some machines use roll paper, or thermal paper, or even use adhesive paper, which allows the user to attach the paper to a file, wall, or box. These different types of transcription machine paper can be found at office supply stores or ordered from paper supply catalogs.
The transcription process, however, does not need to use a special machine. Some transcribers work directly on a computer, for example, or on an ordinary typewriter. In such cases, transcribers print on common printers loaded with transcription paper. This category of transcription paper is flat and looks like regular printer or copier paper. The paper is very thin, however, to minimize the thickness of the files when the transcript is stored.
Many modern transcription services are moving away from paper transcription as it becomes more popular to transcribe directly into electronic format. Like typewriter paper, transcription paper can be considered a dinosaur in ordinary transcription work. As technology advances, even special transcription machines are no longer requiring special paper, just as fax machines have moved away from special fax paper over time. The type of transcription paper that has the longest lifespan is the plain, flat type that can be fed through a standard printer and is particularly useful for this type of work because of its thickness.
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