Trenbolone is a livestock steroid used to increase muscle growth and appetite in cattle, but is also used illegally as a bodybuilding supplement. It has severe side effects, including increased aggression and changes in libido, and can lead to liver damage and gastrointestinal problems. Its use is illegal in many countries and is banned by most sports leagues.
Trenbolone is a livestorck steroid designed to be used by veterinarians in cattle for the purpose of increasing muscle growth and appetite. It is also frequently used as a bodybuilding steroid with muscle building supplements to increase a person’s muscle mass. Using Trenbolone as a bodybuilding supplement is illegal in many countries, including the United States.
Trenbolone binds with androgens, hormones that help promote muscle mass, more effectively than natural male testosterone. The illegal steroid further promotes muscle growth by increasing the nitrogen intake of the user’s muscles, which in turn leads to faster protein synthesis and muscle building. The drug has a side effect of making the user hungry and burning fat at an accelerated rate. All of these effects combined cause an increase in muscle mass at a much faster rate than is natural.
Like any steroid, the muscle building effects of Trenbolone have life threatening side effects. While all steroids cause side effects, trenbolone was designed for use in cattle, so its side effects in humans can be severe. It is known to cause sleep disturbances, such as night sweats and insomnia, and can increase blood pressure. It also has several behavioral side effects. Like many other illegal steroids, Trenbolone can lead to increased aggression and changes in libido. Steroid use can also lead to liver damage and gastrointestinal problems that can be short-term or permanent.
Men taking bodybuilding steroids like trenbolone can also suffer from impotence and prostate cancer, while women using the drug can suffer severe menstrual irregularities and virilization effects that can be irreversible. Steroids are not physically addictive, but many users become psychologically addicted to them due to their effects.
Steroids like Trenbolone have limited legal uses in medicine. Most often they are prescribed only to men suffering from severe androgen deficiencies. This is more common in men who have lost both testicles due to an accident or cancer, or in men who suffer from certain forms of anemia.
The use of steroids for any other purpose, and without a prescription, is illegal in most countries. All major sports and bodybuilding organizations prohibit the use of illegal steroids, and possession or sale of the drugs can lead to arrest and conviction for drug trafficking in the United States. In the UK, possession of anabolic steroids for use as bodybuilding supplements is not illegal, but selling them without a license or valid medical reason is still illegal. Regardless of their legality, they are still banned by most sports leagues in the country, which routinely do drug tests to find users.