What’s Treponema Denticola?

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Treponema denticula is a spirochete bacterium found in the human mouth that can cause periodontal disease and deep root infections. Regular cleaning and scaling may remove the bacteria, but severe cases may require antibiotics and a root canal. Understanding oral bacteria is important for oral health researchers to develop guidelines for oral hygiene.

Treponema denticula is a spirochete bacterium found in the human mouth. It is associated with periodontal disease and may play a role in the development of deep root infections. If a large number of these bacteria are present in the mouth, the patient may be at greater risk of developing dental problems. People with existing disease often have a large colony of Treponema denticula growing along the teeth and gums. Bacteria are well adapted to harsh conditions and have evolved a number of mechanisms to survive in the mouth.

These organisms are highly mobile, meaning they can move independently and are very active. They have a characteristic spiral shape and are part of the group of bacteria classified as Gram negative; if they are subjected to a Gram stain, they will turn from pink to red. Treponema denticula have been identified in evaluations of the human mouth since the early days of microscopy, when researchers began looking at scrapings from teeth and gums under magnification to learn more about the organisms they harbored.

They are anaerobic, do not require oxygen to survive and can feed on a variety of substances. Inside the mouth, Treponema denticola forms colonies that live in plaque with other bacteria or form hard, tough biofilms. They thrive in the subsurface environment and can be difficult to eradicate because superficial oral hygiene such as brushing and using mouthwash will not remove established plaque.

Regular cleaning, including both the teeth and the subgingival area, can remove plaque and biofilm buildups to remove Treponema denticula. Patients with severe oral disease may need more thorough cleaning and scaling to successfully restore the surface of the teeth. In cases where there is an active infection due to Treponema denticula or another organism, treatment may include a root canal to remove the damaged tissue, along with antibiotics to kill the bacteria and restore balance to the bacterial flora. inside of the mouth.

Understanding oral bacteria may be important for oral health researchers. They study which organisms are normally present and what happens when they go out of balance. Study results can help researchers develop guidelines and recommendations for oral hygiene, including information on how to read test results. Cultures that reveal large numbers of Treponema denticula in a sample from a patient with unhealthy teeth, for example, can indicate a well-established infection that could be causing problems under the gums and on the surface.

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