Ujjayi breathing is a diaphragmatic breathing technique used in yoga that involves throat constriction to create a long breath and a sensation of warmth in the body. It can help improve mind-body focus and increase oxygenation throughout the body. The technique is often practiced in a resting position or before yoga postures and can establish a rhythm for yoga poses. Experienced yogis claim that ujjayi breathing has numerous benefits, including increased oxygenation and muscle tone.
Ujjayi breathing is a type of breathing technique popular in some forms of yoga. Also known as oceanic breath or victory breath, ujjayi breath uses constriction of the throat and a diaphragmatic breathing pattern to create a long breath and a sensation of warmth in the body. Yoga practitioners believe that ujjayi breathing can help improve mind-body focus and increase oxygenation throughout the body.
Ujjayi breathing requires some conscious control, and is often practiced in a resting position or even before being incorporated into yoga postures. Beginners are taught to do this type of open-mouth breathing at first, but more advanced practitioners inhale and exhale through the nose. Beginning with an exhalation, practitioners slightly contract the throat muscles so that the exhaled breath makes an audible sigh. As you inhale, the contraction continues so that the breath mimics the sound of ocean waves rolling in and out.
Known as a diaphragmatic technique, ujjayi breathing also focuses on increasing the amount of oxygen flowing in and out of the body. The inhalation of a breath begins in the diaphragm or abdominal region of the body, allowing the stomach and ribcage to expand as air is drawn in. Practitioners should be able to feel the expansion of their abdomen with each inhalation, followed by a smaller expansion in the chest. On the exhale, the breath is emptied first from the chest and upper body, then from the diaphragm. It may help to think of inhaling like filling a glass of water: the water fills from the bottom up.
Ujjayi breathing can help establish a rhythm for yoga poses. In many forms of yoga, each movement is linked to an inhalation or exhalation. Since concentrated breathing naturally leads to an elongated breath cycle, yoga practitioners can focus on fully moving into a pose for the duration of one inhalation or exhalation. The inhalation can be thought of as a way to draw energy and strength into the body, while the exhalation can serve as a means to relax more deeply into a pose.
Many experienced yogis claim that ujjayi breathing has numerous benefits, although their claims are not always universally accepted. Some believe that ocean breathing helps bring more oxygen into the body and promotes cleansing of the body’s organs and systems through increased oxygenation. The practice may also have some benefit on muscle tone in the throat, lungs, and diaphragm. Focusing on the ujjayi breath can also help yogis focus on their practice, allowing them to remain present and active by paying close attention to the rhythm of the breath.