What’s Vanity Publishing?

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Vanity publishing can be costly for writers, as the publisher’s goal is to collect fees for printing books that traditional publishers won’t publish. The writer is responsible for marketing and selling their book, and there is no guarantee of success. Traditional publishers have expert marketing teams and resources to sell books. Writers should consider if they have exhausted traditional publishing options before considering vanity publishing as a hobby.

Vanity publishing can be seen as a double-edged sword. For writers, it’s a way to get their books printed, but at a cost to them. Vanity publishing exists to make money by printing books that no one else will publish. There are many good vanity publishing houses, but there are just as many less reputable ones.
The vanity publisher’s job is not to market the writer’s book. While many claim they will do it for you, the reality is that once you’ve paid to have your book printed, that’s the end of the story. The writer is usually in charge of selling their books to the shops. Many bookstores have stated they will not buy books from vanity publishers, although they can buy books from local authors if they are good enough.

The main goal of the traditional publisher is to make money by selling the writer’s work. Not only do they print the book, but they also have an expert team in marketing books. They have the resources, contacts and experience to know how, where and if a book will sell, whether it’s in big bookstores, online or book clubs.

With vanity publishing, the goal is to collect a fee for printing the book. The writer can determine how many copies of the book he or she requests. The writer can also have a say in the artistic design of the book cover and whether the book will be edited or left as written.

Traditional book publishers don’t have to look for authors, but vanity publishers do. The internet and many magazines contain advertisements for vanity publications. Vanity publishing companies who make promises about selling large quantities of books are not to be trusted. Nor is it claimed that the writer will find fame and fortune with the publication of his book.

Vanity publishing houses are often not selective in the books they print. They are there to make money and will print anyone’s book, no matter the quality. The writer who publishes through vanity publishing has more say over the book’s content and copyrights. There is no guarantee, however, that the book will sell.

A writer is considering that vanity publishing should consider an important point. Did he send the book to enough literary agents and traditional publishers first? Numerous well-known authors have had their first book rejected many times before publication. Getting a book published has been compared to winning the lottery. Richard Adams’ international bestseller Watership Down was rejected 40 times before finally being accepted for publication.
If a writer is seriously considering going into a vanity publishing house, they should consider it a hobby. The writer loves to write, and the end result of a printed book is an expense that could be applied to any hobby. Remember, vanity publishing is run by salesmen, and money is the primary goal, not literary greatness.

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