What’s Verbal Bullying?

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Verbal bullying can occur at home, school or work and is motivated by different reasons. Victims may have low self-esteem or be different culturally or physically. Parents can teach children how to avoid being a target and adults need to be assertive or involve management.

Verbal bullying is a type of hostility or aggression that can occur with children or adults, male or female, at home, school or work. The bully, who is also called an abuser, deliberately tries to verbally upset the victim through ridicule and teasing. There are different types of bullies and they are all motivated by different reasons. Likewise, there are different ways for a victim to deal with a bully.

The first type of bully shows no compassion for the feelings of others and is caught up in his own world. Although he may appear to have high self-esteem and carry himself with confidence, he is extremely narcissistic. Another type of bully is highly influenced by the social behavior of others. Although he may be depressed and have low self-esteem, he will engage in verbal bullying to achieve status in his social group. This type of bullying is very common among children and adolescents who may succumb to peer pressure.

A third type of bully harasses others based on their impulses. He may find it difficult to keep from verbally bullying another person even when confronted. Also popular among children, impulsive bullying is sometimes a sign that the abuser has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While anyone can be verbally bullied, there are particular types of people and situations that motivate bullies.

First, victims may be depressed, have low self-esteem, be envied by the bully for his achievements, belongings, or power status within a certain group. Also, a victim may be bullied for having different cultural or physical characteristics. For example, a victim may experience verbal bullying because she is too thin or too fat or because she belongs to a certain race or religion.

Victims of verbal bullying don’t have to be helpless; however, different situations will require different actions. If a child or teenager is being bullied in school, parents can teach their children how to avoid being an easy target and how to diffuse the situation. In severe cases, parents should involve the school.

Adults who experience bullying in the workplace need to learn to be assertive to avoid future incidents. Self-esteem and a positive self-image also project confidence, which deflects bullies. If the verbal abuse in the workplace cannot be addressed individually, management may need to be involved.

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