Voter turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who participate in an election, indicating satisfaction with the government. Factors affecting turnout include age, registration requirements, and compulsory voting. Established democracies have seen a decrease in turnout due to perceived governmental stability.
Voter turnout is a calculated statistical percentage of eligible, and in some cases registered, voters voting in an election. In most cases, you want a high percentage of eligible voters participating in an election, and most elections bring with them additional campaigning to increase voter turnout. The percentage of voters who voted in a given election is often used as an indication of voter satisfaction with their country’s system of government, although turnout tends to fluctuate over time. Voter requirements and restrictions, however, vary greatly in different countries. Voter turnout is often indicative of this difference, especially in countries where voting privileges are limited or, at the other extreme, mandatory.
While the probability of a single vote taking effect in an election is quite low, the greater number of individuals voting increases the possibility of a larger demographic representation in the election. Historically, the number of eligible voters participating in elections has varied widely based on any number of factors, be they economic, religious or institutional. It is widely accepted that older populations tend to have higher voter turnout than younger populations. In some countries, particularly the United States, marketing campaigns aimed at increasing the number of voters are generally directed towards younger age groups.
Partisan divisions coupled with general distrust of the government, and consequently of the electoral system, can also help reduce the percentages of eligible voters who turn out on Election Day. The additional requirement of previous registration to vote can also significantly reduce the overall number of voters. Countries and regions that automatically register eligible voters have shown increased turnout compared to areas that require the additional bureaucratic step of registration. Compulsory voting, practiced in some countries, has by nature led to significantly higher voter turnout, although varying degrees of penalty for not voting may limit its overall effectiveness.
In general, established democracies have shown a general decrease in voter turnout since the 1960s. While these statistics have fluctuated over time, they are often viewed as a result of the governmental stability of the countries in question. Because changes in elected officials are sometimes perceived to cause little or no change in the overall functioning of the system, many potential voters are disinclined to cast votes they consider ineffective.