Yerba mate is a South American shrub used to make a popular drink called mate, which is also known as mate tea when roasted. It contains caffeine and is traditionally consumed from a gourd with a straw. Mate culture is strong in countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. It can be flavored with other ingredients and is often consumed for its energizing properties.
Yerba mate is a South American shrub that is grown so that its tender buds and leaves can be harvested. The dried buds and leaves are used to make a drink called mate, which is one of the most popular drinks in South America. Mate also appears in a form roasted for boiling water, in which case it is called mate tea. Consumption of mate has also spread to other parts of the world, with consumers drinking it instead of coffee as a refreshing and energizing beverage.
The name “yerba mate” is a compound of Spanish and Quechua. In Spanish, hierba means herb, while in Quechua, mate means “cup.” Thus, the plant is literally the “cup herb,” no doubt a reference to its popularity as a base for a drink. In regions with a large Portuguese population, it may be called erva mate or erva-mate.
Native Americans have been working with yerba mate for centuries. The cultivation and use of the Ilex paraguariensis plant also spread to European settlers in South America and, in several countries, mate is as a national beverage. It appears in ice-cold form in supermarkets, and many stations offer hot water so travelers can make their own yerba mate leaves. Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay in particular have great mate cultures. Some Middle Eastern countries like Syria also drink a lot of mate, due to a South American influence. Like coffee, yerba mate contains a lot of caffeine, but it doesn’t have the bitterness associated with coffee.
Traditionally, yerba mate is packaged in a gourd, also known as mate. To prepare the mate, hot water is poured over the leaves and stems and the consumer inserts a bombilla or straw. The tea straw is equipped with a filter that filters the plant material as the consumer drinks. When the water runs out, more is poured onto the leaves and they can be reused repeatedly throughout the day. As a sign of friendship in some countries, people may drink together from the same mate. It’s also not uncommon to see people carrying thermoses of hot water and gourds of friends packed up throughout the day.
When mate leaves are roasted, they acquire a distinct and slightly spicy flavour. Mate can also be blended with tea, especially green tea, or ingredients such as dried fruit. These flavored mate blends are very popular outside of Latin America. In Latin America, individual consumers can add herbs to their yerba mate to create a specific health-recommended herbal infusion.