What’s Zoroastrianism?

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Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion founded by Zarathustra in ancient Persia. It teaches that people have the choice between positive and negative energy, and their actions can make the world perfect or create a real hell. Fire is seen as sacred, and purity of earth, fire, water, and air is important. The dead are placed in “towers of silence” to avoid contamination. There are around 150,000 followers today, mostly in India and Iran.

Zoroastrianism is a religion that began with a philosopher known as Zarathustra, or Zoroaster, in ancient Persia. There are around 150,000 followers of Zoroastrianism today, mostly living in India and Iran. Like other monotheistic religions, Zoroastrianism claims that there is only one creator, God.
Zoroaster, or Zarathustra, spoke of the Creator God, Ahura Mazda, which means “Lord Wisdom”. Polytheism, or the worship of many gods, was common in Persia at the time of Zoroaster, who condemned the practice.

In Zoroastrianism, it is thought that there are two opposing energies in the mind of every person. Positive energy is called Spenta Mainyu and it creates good in people, while negative energy, Angra Mainyu, creates evil in people and prevents the world from being perfect. Zoroaster taught that all people are free to choose between Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu and that people are responsible for their own actions.

By their actions, followers of Zoroastrianism believe they can make themselves perfect. If a person chooses the path of goodness, Zoroastrians think that they can not only make themselves perfect but also help make the world perfect. By making the world perfect, they can create a paradise on earth. Conversely, choosing the path of evil, people create a real hell on earth.

In Zoroastrianism, fire is seen as sacred, the symbol of the truth and energy of creation. Fire is viewed with respect and every Zoroastrian temple has a flame burning in their temples. Zoroastrians tend to pray in front of a fire or other light source, to focus their mind on Ahura Mazda, or the Creator God. Zoroastrianism is sometimes thought to be a fire worshiping religion, but fire is only a symbol of truth.

Zoroastrians also believe it is important to keep earth, fire, water and air pure and unpolluted. The dead are not buried or cremated, as this would contaminate the earth or waste fuel for the fire. Therefore, in Zoroastrianism, the dead are traditionally placed in “towers of silence,” isolated, high-walled buildings that are open at the top. The bodies decompose and the bones are subsequently buried in pits.

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