In 1943, Los Angeles experienced its first smog, which residents initially believed was a Japanese chemical attack. The smog was actually caused by increasing automobile traffic. Smog is a combination of fog and smoke, with different colors depending on the cause. Over half of Americans live in areas with dangerous smog levels.
Los Angeles experienced its first smog in 1943. Residents believed it was part of a Japanese chemical warfare attack, when in reality it was due to rapidly increasing automobile traffic. Before 1943, Los Angeles was known for its clean air and even had many recovery wards for tuberculosis patients.
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The word smog is actually a portmanteau of the words fog and smoke. The word was first used in London in the early 1900s.
Smog tends to take on a different color depending on what causes it. Gray smog is usually caused by industrial by-products such as ash and sulfur, while brown smog is caused by car emissions.
The American Lung Association estimates that more than half of Americans live in counties with dangerously high smog levels.