A Dutch town named Geldrop has named a quarter of its streets after JRR Tolkien and his characters, including Tolkien Lane and streets named after elves and dwarves. The neighborhood’s original planning was suggested by a big Tolkien fan, and even the local kindergarten is named De Hobbit. JRR Tolkien created new languages and wrote in extinct languages, and his shared gravestone with his wife bears the names of two imaginary lovers he created. He took 10 years to write The Lord of the Rings and was disappointed it was published as a trilogy.
British author JRR Tolkien famously populated an entire fictional world – commonly known as Middle-earth – and now a small town in the Netherlands has repaid the favor, albeit with real people rather than fictional characters. Geldrop has a name that already seems to belong to Tolkien’s universe, and a quarter of the provincial town now has streets named after the author and his characters, including Tolkien Lane and streets named Arwen, Lorien and Galadriel. The designations date back to the neighborhood’s original planning, when a big Tolkien fan suggested the honor, and the townspeople agreed. And the planning wasn’t half measures either, with different sections of the neighborhood sorted by type. For example, one section dedicates street names to elves and another honors dwarves. The local kindergarten also pays homage to Tolkien – it is known as De Hobbit.
The man behind the rings ::
JRR Tolkien married the love of his life, Edith Bratt, and their shared gravestone bears the names of two imaginary lovers he created: Beren and Luthien.
Tolkien is known to have created new languages, but he also wrote in extinct languages, including Lombard and medieval Welsh.
Tolkien took 10 years to write The Lord of the Rings and was disappointed that it was published as a trilogy rather than a single novel.