Which countries mark Independence Day?

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Independence Day is celebrated in many countries to commemorate the rejection of an occupier and the birth of a new and free nation. In the US, it is celebrated on July 4th with fireworks, parades, and picnics. India celebrates on August 15th with flag displays and feasts. Israel celebrates on Yom Ha’atzmaut with barbecues, family dinners, and fireworks, while Qatar celebrates for three days in September with an air show and parties. Independence Day is a time to remember the struggle that gave birth to modern countries and celebrate freedom.

Independence day is a popular celebration in many countries. Usually, the holiday commemorates the date when the country rejected an occupier and declared a new and free nation. Independence Day is celebrated with a variety of holidays, traditions and customs, depending on which country you are in.
In the United States, Independence Day is on the 4th of July every year and is usually celebrated with fireworks. Public and private displays are common, although many areas now ban at least some private fireworks due to fire risk. Parades and picnics are also popular ways to celebrate an American Independence Day. The effective date commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which announced America’s intention to secede from British rule.

On August 15, India celebrates its independence from British occupation and the birth of its sovereignty in 1947. The day is an official national holiday and is celebrated by displaying the country’s flag and flying kites. The day is a time when families and friends gather for an afternoon feast and to remember the nation’s difficult but worthy beginnings.

In Israel, the celebration of their independence is held on the fifth day of the Jewish lunar month called Iyar, which usually falls in late April or early May. Called Yom Ha’atzmaut, the celebration commemorates Prime Minister Ben-Gurion’s declaration of freedom on May 14, 1948. People celebrate with barbecues and family dinners, and there is often outdoor dancing and fireworks. However, this independence day is far from universally celebrated, with some Arab citizens of Israel and Palestine staging protests and mourning on the same day. Diaspora Jews, however, also frequently celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut.

In the Middle Eastern country of Qatar, Independence Day is a three-day celebration. Preparations begin weeks before September 1, when most of the official celebrations are held. The government holds an annual air show and people travel from all over the country to bless the Amir, one of Qatar’s leaders. Most places are closed for three days for people to dance, party and party together.

Independence day is important in many countries, due to its symbolism and nationalistic values. In most places it is a time to remember the often difficult struggle that gave birth to their modern country. While some countries also add religious significance to their holiday, in many places it is a secular celebration that the entire nation can participate in together. Whether it’s having a picnic, dancing in the streets of Qatar, or lounging on the high school field watching fireworks, the Independence Day celebration is a reminder of humans’ enduring love of freedom and their own destiny.

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