Over 25 countries have nuclear plants in operation, producing just under 15% of the world’s total energy consumption. The US has the most reactors, followed by France, which produces 77% of its energy from nuclear sources. Japan met 30% of its energy needs through nuclear power before the Fukushima disaster, and now plans to cease all nuclear operations by 2030. Russia has over 30 reactors and is embarking on plans to grow it immensely. China has the most ambitious growth agenda, with plans to add over 100 reactors. Some countries are considering decommissioning reactors or switching to other methods of energy production.
As of 2012, over 25 countries have nuclear plants in operation, with more planned or under construction around the world. These include the US, France and China as well as Canada, the UK and Russia. The Fukushima Daiichi disaster in Japan in 2011, however, left some countries uncertain about the safety of such facilities.
General numbers
There are fewer than 450 commercial nuclear reactors on Earth as of 2012, with more reactors located at numerous plants and many more under construction. Together, these facilities produce more than 370,000 megawatts, or just under 15% of the world’s total energy consumption. About 30 countries have them in operation, and while some nations plan to build new power plants, other countries have started shutting them down.
United States
The United States has by far the most nuclear power plants, with more than 100 reactors operating in 2012 at 65 power plants. All told, those in the United States account for about 20% of the country’s energy needs. A big push has been made by some groups to increase the number of plants in the country, while others oppose these projects, citing the potential for disaster and waste disposal problems.
France has more than 50 nuclear reactors in operation, with some more under construction or in planning. It is one of the few nations to produce most of its energy from nuclear sources. France meets about 77% of its energy needs through these plants, the largest percentage of any nation in the world.
Before the accident at the Fukushima plant in 2011, Japan met about 30% of its energy needs through 50 nuclear reactors. In March 2011, however, damage from an earthquake and subsequent tsunami led to several explosions and meltdown of the core of three reactors at the plant. After this disaster, only two reactors in the country remained operational. As of 2012, there are plans to temporarily bring the others back online and cease all nuclear operations in Japan by about 2030; various sources of renewable energy will be pursued to replace them.
Russia maintains over 30 reactors, as of 2012, producing just over 15% of its total energy needs. After a period of relative stagnation in nuclear development following the catastrophic Chernobyl disaster, Russia embarked on plans to grow it immensely. More than 20 new plants are currently under construction or have been ordered, while another 24 have been proposed.
More than 50% power
Only two countries, apart from France, generate more than half of their energy through nuclear power. The seven Belgian reactors produce about 54% of their energy, although they are considering decommissioning them and have no plans to build more. Slovakia has just four reactors generating just over 50% of their energy, with plans to build two more.
Other countries
Only a handful of other nations have more than 15 nuclear reactors. Ukraine has 15, responsible for almost half of its energy needs, and has 13 more planned or proposed. Canada, India, the United Kingdom and South Korea each have more than 15 reactors, with South Korea planning to substantially increase that number in the future.
Development of plans
A number of countries have campaigns to massively grow their nuclear programs in the coming years. China has the most ambitious growth agenda, with plans and proposals to add more than 100 reactors to the 15 they have in 2012, which would make it the world’s top nuclear power producer. India is considering building nearly 60 more reactors on top of the 20 already in operation.
Smaller programs and elimination
Countries with only a handful of nuclear reactors include Pakistan, Romania and Mexico. Slovenia, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Spain, as well as Taiwan, South Africa and Argentina also have some. Many of these nations are likely to keep their operations small, although some have plans to build one or a few more.
Germany produces more than 17% of its energy through just nine reactors, which are currently shutting down as they switch to other methods of energy production. Brazil only has two, but they once planned to build many more. After the Fukushima disaster, however, those plans were largely abandoned.