The US has 25% of the world’s prison population, with over 2 million people in prison due to tough sentencing measures costing over $55 billion annually. India has the lowest incarceration rate. The US, China, and Russia make up half of the global prison population, with over 10 million people incarcerated worldwide.
The United States is home to only about 5 percent of the world’s population, but about 25 percent of the world’s prison population comes from the U.S. This equates to more than 2 million people in prison, or just under one in 150 United States citizens. This is happening largely due to tougher sentencing measures put in place in the 1980s and costing more than $55 billion US dollars annually.
Read more about the prison population:
Among larger nations, India is the country with the lowest incarceration rate, with only 33 people out of 100,000 incarcerated. This takes on even greater significance than more than 650 of every 100,000 people in the United States
The prison populations of the United States, China and Russia make up about half of the entire global prison population.
More than 10 million people are incarcerated worldwide.