A tool is available to compare personal movie ratings with those of prolific film critics, helping to find reviews that match personal preferences. Users rate movies on a 1/2 to 4-star scale.
mode) == ‘input’): // input model ?>
These days, anyone can be a published film critic, but who are you supposed to listen to when you can find both negative and positive reviews for any movie out there? Now, the answer is simple! The quick tool below will compare your personal opinions with those of some of the most prolific film critics. The upshot is that you’ll know who your movie critic is and where to look for movie reviews that will help you find movies you’ll love.
Which film reviews from critics do you most agree with?
Instructions: Start by giving your personal ratings for each of the movies below. Rate each on a 1/2 to 4 star scale by simply clicking on the stars. Skip movies you haven’t seen. The more reviews you enter, the more accurate the Movie Critic Matchmaker will be.
Genre, Year
Your score
movie_list) come $r) {
$id = $r(‘id’);
$movie = $r(‘movie’);
$genre = $r(‘genre’);
Reset all ratings
mode) == ‘result’): // result model ?>
Your compatibility with:
compatibility) like $r => $c){ ?>
‘>Back to the evaluation form
Details of your selections
The table below provides more information on correspondence with the film critic. Click on any column header to sort by that column, click again for a descending sort. For further details, the Gray Stars provide direct links to that critic’s review of that film. These critics have been selected primarily because they are prolific and well known.
$ i = 0;
foreach (($p->rw($pa(0))) come $h => $v){
print “”.up_words($h).”n”;
$ I ++;
Your score
user_marks) as $id => $u_mark) { ?>
rw($id)) come $revisore => $r_mark){
$src = ‘http://statica.wisegeek.com/images/movie_reviewer/smallgrey’.($r_mark * 2).’.gif’;
$href = $p->f_rw($id)($reviewer.’_link’);
$alt = ‘Read the review of ‘.up_words($reviewer).” of “.up_words($p->f_rw($id)(‘movie’));
f_rw($id)(‘film’)); ?>
‘>Back to the evaluation form