The White Mountain Apache Tribe resides in central Arizona and has a population of 12,000 to 15,000 members. They have a sovereign government and maintain their traditional beliefs and customs. The tribe’s economy is based on tourism, gambling, and recreation, with opportunities for skiing, hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing. The Apache Cultural Center and Museum preserves the tribe’s history and culture.
The White Mountain Apache Tribe are the descendants of the native peoples of central Arizona. Today, between 12,000 and 15,000 tribe members live in nine Apache communities on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. The modern Apache tribe, for the most part, no longer adheres to their traditional nomadic lifestyle, but now enjoys an economy primarily based on tourism. The White Mountain Apache Tribe, however, continues to keep their traditional beliefs and customs alive.
The White Mountain Apache Reservation was established on November 9, 1891, by executive order of the President of the United States. It was originally called the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. The White Mountain Apache Reservation once included the San Carlos Apache Reservation. These two reservations were separated by the Congressional Act in 1897 and remain separate today.
The White Mountain Apache Reservation covers 1.6 million acres in central Arizona. Gila, Navajo, and Apache counties make up the White Mountain Apache Reservation. Most of the tribe’s citizens live in Whiteriver, the capital of tribal government. Other notable communities on the reservation include Hon-Dah, East Fork, Seven Mile, Cedar Creek and McNary. The White Mountain Apache Tribe offers public education to its young people.
The White Mountain Apache Tribe is considered a sovereign nation, with its own tribal government. The executive offices are Tribal President and Vice President. A Tribal Council, consisting of the Tribal President, the Vice President and nine Council members, governs the tribe. Council members are elected by popular vote. Members hold office for four years.
Tourism, gambling, and recreation form the basis of the White Mountain Apache Tribe’s modern economy. Outdoor enthusiasts are generally encouraged to take advantage of the reservation’s skiing, hiking, camping, and rafting opportunities. Hunters typically enjoy the opportunity to hunt Big Horn sheep, elk, and other game on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. Anglers may enjoy fishing for trout in the preserve’s many streams and streams.
Sunrise Park Ski Resort typically offers outdoor activities in both the summer and winter. Enthusiasts might enjoy camping, hiking, mountain biking, and skiing there. Hon-Dah Resort Casino usually offers booking visitors the chance to enjoy gambling.
The White Mountain Apache tribe generally continues to preserve its traditional culture. The Apache Cultural Center and Museum seeks to preserve the history and culture of the White Mountain Apache Tribe. Typically they are based on the preservation of oral histories and objects of archaeological and historical interest. They also sometimes offer modern Apache artists the opportunity to showcase their work. Walking tours and other community events can help keep Apache culture alive.