Leonardo da Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, was a renowned Italian mathematician in the Middle Ages. He introduced Arabic numerals and decimal points to the West, and the Fibonacci sequence, which describes a number of phenomena. His most famous work, Liber Abaci, introduced new concepts and mathematical problems.
Fibonacci, known in his time as Leonardo da Pisa, was an Italian mathematician who lived during the Middle Ages. He is widely regarded as the best mathematician of his time, and although little is known about him, most of us use Fibonacci’s contributions to society every day. In addition to the classic numerical sequence that bears his name, Fibonacci also brought the use of Arabic numerals to the West, along with the use of decimal points. These two mathematical features are often taken for granted today, but they were groundbreaking in the Middle Ages.
Leonardo da Pisa lived from about 1170 to 1250. His father was nicknamed Bonacchio, meaning simple or good, and Fibonacci was nicknamed for his father – Fi’Bonacchi means “son of Bonacchio”. Acquaintance with the world of Fibonacci began at a young age, because his father was a trader, allowing his son to travel a lot during his youth. Fibonacci’s travels undoubtedly introduced him to the Arabic numeral system, along with Middle Eastern mathematical concepts and discoveries.
The introduction of Arabic numerals in the West was a major step forward. Previously, people used Roman numerals, which were very difficult to work with, especially when complex equations were involved. Fibonacci showed that all numbers can be represented with just 10 digits and that these digits can be moved and manipulated easily for division, multiplication and complex equations. This laid the foundation for modern mathematics.
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers that are mathematically related to each other. Most people know at least the first few numbers in the sequence, which starts with: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and continues with each number being the sum of the previous two numbers. The Fibonacci sequence is used to describe a number of phenomena, such as the golden ratio and the tendency of plants to grow in spirals, maximizing their efficiency in an ordered Fibonacci sequence. It should be noted that Fibonacci did not discover this sequence, but is credited with introducing it to the West from India.
During his time, Fibonacci became quite a celebrated figure, thanks to his achievements in mathematics and his performance in mathematics games and contests. His most famous work is probably the Liber Abaci, published in 1202. This treatise on arithmetic introduced a number of concepts to the West, along with some intriguing mathematical problems that continue to be posed to students of mathematics today.