Fred Flintstone is a beloved Neanderthal from the 1960s animated series The Flintstones, with co-stars including his wife, daughter, best friend, and pets. He works at a quarry and enjoys hobbies like bowling. The show is a parody of The Honeymooners and had attempted follow-ups.
Fred Flintstone is the lovable Neanderthal best known for yelling “Yabba dabba doo!” He first came to prominence in the 1960s when he had the lead role in the Hanna-Barbera animated series The Flintstones. His co-stars included his wife Wilma, his daughter Pebbles, his best friend Barney Rubble, Barney’s wife Betty and their son Bamm Bamm. The family also included a pet dinosaur named Dino and a saber-toothed tiger named BaPuss.
Aside from these two pets, Fred Flintstone has a house filled with animal life that serves as a parody of modern day home appliances. There’s a baby elephant that doubles as a vacuum cleaner, a buzzard that acts as a garbage disposal, a bird with a long beak that drives the record player and a turtle for the lawnmower.
Flintstone is an average working-class man who, along with his best friend Barney, continually gets involved in various get-rich-quick schemes. When he’s not involved in some mishap, he’s a hard-working dinosaur operator at the Slate Rock Quarry in Bedrock, USA. He has also held positions such as bus driver and sheriff.
Fred enjoys the same hobbies as many modern American men. He is a member of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos and enjoys golf, team sports and bowling. His bowling team nicknamed him Twinkle Toes for his graceful ability. Like many modern men, he doesn’t enjoy doing household chores like mowing the lawn, especially after a long day at work.
It might be obvious by now that the character of Fred Flintstone is reminiscent of Ralph Kramden, played by Jackie Gleason in The Honeymooners. In fact, The Flintstones is an animated parody of the popular sitcom The Honeymooners, which first aired in 1955.
The animated original Fred Flintstone was portrayed by three notable voice actors: Daws Butler, Alan Reed, and Henry Corden, with Alan Reed appearing in most of the original episodes. While never quite as popular as the original series, attempted follow-ups of The Flintstones included Fred Flintstone and Friends, The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm show, and the 1994 film The Flintstones, starring John Goodman as Fred Flintstone.