Who’s José De San Martín?

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José de San Martín, known as El Libertador, was instrumental in liberating Argentina, Chile, and Peru from Spanish rule in the 19th century. He was born in Argentina, educated in Spain, and enlisted in the Spanish army before returning to Buenos Aires to organize a cavalry regiment. His Army of the Andes crossed the Andes into Chile and won the Battle of Chacabuco. San Martín later liberated Lima and declared Peru free and independent, obtaining the title of Protector of Peru. He met with Simón Bolivar to discuss the future of South America before retiring to Europe, where he died in 1850.

José de San Martín is one of the most important historical figures in South America. He is known as the liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru, and thus is often referred to as El Libertador or The Liberator. This man and the forces he controlled were instrumental in forcing the Spanish imperialists out of these countries during the 19th century and in securing the subsequent independence of South America.

José de San Martín was born in Yapeyu, Argentina in the province of Corrientes on February 25, 1778. At the age of 8 he was sent to Spain for education, where he met and befriended the Chilean Bernardo O’Higgins. O’Higgins would later become a fellow Libertador in the South American revolution against Spanish rule. San Martín enlisted in the Spanish army in 1791. After brief service in the Spanish resistance against Napoleon and the French invasion, he returned to Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1812.

His military status was recognized by the independent government of Buenos Aires, known as the Primer Triunvirato, and he was given the title of chief colonel. Ironically of him, under the leadership of the Primer Triumvirate, he allegedly drew on his military training in Spain to organize a cavalry regiment with the goal of liberating South America from Spanish rule. This cavalry would come to be known as the Grenaderos a Caballo, or Mounted Grenadiers.

On 3 February 1813 the Horse Grenadiers fought and won their first battle against the Spanish at San Lorenzo. San Martín and his victorious troops traveled north, intending to cross the high Andes to Lima, Peru, which was the stronghold of the Spanish forces. However, he realized that he would not be able to reach Peru safely via the high Peruvian Andes. He decided to head south to Mendoza, Argentina, where he would cross the Andes into Chile. That way, he could clear Chile along the way and reach Peru by sea.

In Mendoza, he and his troops gathered provisions through contributions from neighboring citizens. With its new Army of the Andes, it began the crossing of the Andes into Chile on January 5, 1817. On February 12, 1817, only days after crossing the Andes, the Army of the Andes fought and won the Battle of Chacabuco. It was at this time that he would be given the title of Knight of the Andes.

After the Battle of Chacabuco, San Martín triumphantly entered Santiago, Chile, where the city council named him governor of Chile. He declined this honor, and his longtime Chilean friend Bernardo O’Higgins assumed political power in his place . Successive battles ensue between the Spanish and the now united Chilean-Argentine forces. On April 5, 1818, in the Battle of Maipú, the Spanish were defeated and Chile was no longer under Spanish rule.
With Spanish vessels confiscated and others purchased by the United States and England, the Chilean Navy was created and outnumbered the remaining Spanish vessels blockading Valparaíso. Chile soon dominated the Pacific, annihilating the last Spanish expeditionary vessel in late 1818. Once Chile was in control of the Pacific, preparations began for the voyage to Peru. San Martín set sail for Peru from Valparaíso, Chile on August 20, 1820.

Shortly after reaching Peru, he besieged Lima and liberated it from Spanish control. Subsequent victories occurred in northern Peru and the red and white flag of Peru was hoisted at Trujillo. The Spanish viceroy in Lima was overthrown and a new Peruvian government began to take root. From Lima, San Martín wrote to his friend Bernardo O’Higgins, saying that with the liberation of Peru he foresaw the end of his public life. On July 28, 1821, he addressed the Peruvians from the main square of Lima, declaring Peru free and independent and obtaining the title of Protector of Peru.
In 1822 he met Simón Bolivar for a private discussion on the future of the now free South America. Following this encounter, his military career slowed down and ended, just as he had anticipated. He returned to Argentina, but after his wife died, he moved to Europe with his young daughter. There he spent the rest of his life, returning only once to South America before his death. José de San Martín died in France, on August 17, 1850, at the age of 72.

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