Paddington Bear, created by Michael Bond, is a beloved character in children’s fiction. He was inspired by a teddy bear bought near Paddington station. The bear is sent from Peru to England and becomes part of the Brown family. Despite his curiosity, Paddington has a strong sense of morality and a love of jam. He also has a creative side and a tendency to take things literally. The original novels were released between 1958 and 1979 and have been translated into many languages. Paddington Bear is a great way to teach children about British customs and is a popular toy.
Paddington Bear, the creation of author Michael Bond, made his first appearance in the 1958 book A Bear Called Paddington. Since its inception, the bear has become one of the most beloved characters in children’s fiction. It has appeared in numerous other novels, inspired plays, television series and a whole range of marketable Paddington Bear items, including many versions of stuffed animals.
Michael Bond was inspired to create a few Paddington Bear stories after buying a rather lonely teddy bear in a shop near Paddington train station in London. After a few months of treatment, Paddington Bear’s tale was becoming a novel, and British publisher Harper Collins eagerly took on the job.
Paddington Bear, as a character, is first discovered at Paddington railway station. He was sent to England from Peru by his elderly Aunt Lucy, and wears a small sign around his neck that reads “Please take care of this bear. Thank you.” The Brown family takes pity on the abandoned Paddington Bear and take him home, where he soon becomes a vital member of the family.
Despite having the curiosity of a child, Paddington has a strong sense of morality. His curiosity often lands him in trouble, however, as he tries to navigate English life and living in a city. His passion for jam and all things sweet and sticky often turns his simple life upside down. Shopping and bathing become chaotic affairs.
The bear also has a bit of a creative bent, mostly expressed in his art, which wins first place in a contest. He’s also given to taking things a little too literally, as he does on his first stage experience when he hires the play’s lead actor for mishandling heroin.
Paddington Bear is a curious mix of innocence, sweetness and a touch of gluttony, which continues in the many subsequent novels A Bear Called Paddington. It is sometimes difficult to find lists of novels in the proper order, although each novel is a great work of children’s fiction in and of itself. Additionally, Paddington Bear has been the subject of board books and stories for much younger children, which can make finding all of the original novels a bit difficult. Below are the original novels with release dates:
A Bear Named Paddington, 1958
Read more about Paddington, 1959
Paddington Helps, 1960,
Paddington all’estero, 1961
Paddington at large, 1962
Paddington Boot, 1964
Paddington at work, 1966
Paddington goes to town, 1968
Paddington Takes Flight, 1970
Paddington in cima, 1974
Paddington fa he test, 1979
Since the first publications, many of the books have been translated into numerous foreign languages. In the US, it is more common to see Paddington Bear books published by Puffin. Paddington Bear remains a firm favourite, and is a particularly good way to teach children about British colloquialisms or customs. Plus, a stuffed Paddington Bear, wearing a blue coat and red or yellow hat, is sure to be a fan favorite toy.