Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, can be caused by age, blockages, medications, and health problems. Treatment may be possible, but effects can be permanent. Recognizing and treating symptoms early can provide relief.
Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, is a common problem affecting young and old alike. While treatment may be possible in some cases, the effects are permanent in others. Some of the more common causes of ringing in the ears include age and a blockage or obstruction, although some medications have also been linked to developing ringing in the ears. Those whose ears are ringing may also link the condition to certain health problems, such as major increases or decreases in blood pressure, an allergic reaction, and even certain types of cancers.
In many cases, age can be the cause when an individual’s ears ring. Ringing in the ears is more commonly known as presbycusis and occurs more often after the age of sixty. While it can be very difficult to reverse the effects of ringing in the ears associated with aging, recognizing and treating the symptoms early can provide some relief.
When the patient’s ears ring, an obstruction or blockage may be present. In most cases, a blockage in the external ear canal is commonly responsible for developing tinnitus. While a small foreign body can, on occasion, be the cause of the blockage, it’s more often caused by a buildup of earwax. When large amounts of earwax begin to build up in the ear, it hardens so much that it can’t be washed out with regular bathing, and a blockage develops.
Those whose ears are ringing are generally encouraged to evaluate their current medications, as these may be responsible for tinnitus in some cases. While prescription medications, such as diuretics, antibiotics, and other similar treatments can often lead to the development of tinnitus, in some cases, mild medications such as aspirin are to blame. People who experience ringing in their ears and believe it may be related to certain medications may want to consider talking to their doctor or pharmacist. In some cases, a decrease in dosage may be recommended. Other times, stopping use of the drug completely and switching to a new product is the best choice.
In some cases, health problems can be the cause of tinnitus. Allergies, excessively high or low blood pressure, and even some types of cancers can be the cause of ringing in the ears. In these cases, once the original condition is treated, the tinnitus symptoms typically go away.