Why honeymoon at Niagara Falls?

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Niagara Falls is a popular honeymoon destination due to its natural beauty, history, and range of activities. The falls are located on the border of the US and Canada and offer a variety of wedding venues. The Canadian side is more popular for its better view of the falls and the opportunity to receive a honeymoon certificate signed by the mayor. Niagara Falls has been associated with honeymooning since 1801 and has been advertised as the Honeymoon Capital of the World since the early 1900s. The destination offers a mix of old-fashioned romance and contemporary attractions, making it appealing to a wide range of newlyweds.

Honeymooning in Niagara Falls has become standard for millions of newlywed couples. In fact, Niagara Falls is often fondly called the Honeymoon Capital of the World. This headline, however, didn’t happen overnight. There are various reasons as to why so many people choose to get married surrounded by a waterfall in the background. These reasons often include the perceived majesty of the natural environment, its unique history, and the inclusion of various activities and attractions that appeal to newly weds.

Niagara Falls is the falls and twin cities of the same name located on the Niagara River. The falls are located in the international border between the United States and Canada and are part of both countries. The US side of the waterfall is in upstate New York, while the Canadian section is part of Ontario. Both falls are further divided into two main sections: American Falls, located on the American side, and Horseshoe Falls, which are located primarily on the Canadian side.

A number of tourists who have seen the rush of water cascading down Niagara Falls have described the sight using many terms, including magical, magnificent, and breathtaking. For many recently married couples, visiting the Canadian side of Niagara Falls is generally more popular, as it offers a better view of both falls’ rushing waters. Both sides, however, function as wedding venues and provide opportunities for engaged couples to exchange their vows at various chapels and gardens located within the area. Some couples, however, may prefer to get married on the Canadian side to receive a honeymoon certificate signed by the mayor of the city.

Another oft-cited reason couples say they choose to have their weddings in Niagara Falls is the sense of history and nostalgia associated with the area. The venue was first linked to being a honeymoon destination in 1801 when Theodosia Burr, the daughter of Vice President Aaron Burr, visited the region on her honeymoon. The French aristocracy are also credited with being one of the first fans of the Falls honeymoon. In fact, French Prince Jerome Bonaparte reportedly traveled to the Ontario side of Niagara Falls after his 1804 wedding to an American heiress.

One of the most popular figures to ever visit Niagara Falls in the 20th century was Hollywood star Marilyn Monroe. The celebrated actress filmed some scenes from the thriller 20 Niagara on location at the falls. Although the film’s focus was on a newlywed couple observing a married couple in distress, the natural scenery of the area was also displayed on the screen. Joe DiMaggio visiting Marilyn on the set of the film may have also helped spread the romantic legend of the falls further.

By the early 1900s, Niagara Falls had proclaimed itself as the honeymoon capital and started advertising itself as such. In the 21st century, some young couples who have chosen to honeymoon in the place have claimed that doing so was an opportunity to visit the same place previously enjoyed by their parents or even their grandparents. The fact that the destination can also be less expensive than some more exotic wedding venues has also helped retain a large number of newlyweds visiting each year.
Part of the appeal of the Niagara Falls honeymoon may be the natural attraction’s ability to combine old-fashioned romance with more contemporary attractions. Newlyweds looking for more intimate and secluded pursuits can enjoy restaurants with candlelit dinners and dancing, quiet picnic areas surrounded by the signs and smells of nature, or a scenic tour of the lighthouse. On the other hand, couples looking for adventurous activities might find it interesting to visit a casino, take boat or plane tours, or stay at a spa.

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