Wormwood extract is used as an herbal medicine to alleviate stomach conditions, IBS, and liver problems. It can be consumed in capsule or liquid form, and is also used in cooking and alcoholic beverages. However, prolonged use and exceeding recommended dosages can cause side effects and even brain damage or death. Consult a doctor before use.
Wormwood extract is an oil taken from the leaves and flowers of the wormwood shrub. It is primarily used as an herbal medicine to help lessen the symptoms of certain stomach conditions. Wormwood extract is usually available in capsule or liquid form. The oil can also be used to make certain types of alcoholic beverages, and it can be used as a flavoring agent in cooking.
The oil that is extracted from the wormwood bush is fragrant and contains toxins. It is believed that it stimulates the digestive functions. Caraway and peppermint are usually combined with wormwood extract to treat heartburn or stomach problems. This combination is commonly known as wormwood tea.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and the uncomfortable symptoms that accompany it can be reduced by consuming wormwood extract. Bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation may be alleviated when the extract is used with other herbs. Parasitic infections can also cause similar symptoms, but with these types of infections, nausea, severe pain in the abdomen, or bloody stools may also be seen. Wormwood extract can help soothe symptoms associated with these conditions.
Gallbladder and liver problems can also be reduced by using wormwood oil. There are agents or ingredients within the oil called anabsinthin and absinthin. They can aid in digestion and also promote healthy gallbladder and liver functions. People suffering from medical conditions related to the gallbladder may benefit from using wormwood oil in conjunction with doctor-prescribed pharmaceutical medications.
People can choose to use wormwood extract to reduce symptoms of certain medical problems, but clinical trials to show that it actually works are lacking. There are also side effects associated with it. If used for a prolonged period and the recommended dosage is exceeded, it is said to cause dizziness, nausea, or even seizures. Wormwood oil is believed to be highly addictive and, when used consistently, can cause brain damage or death. Wormwood oil should generally not be taken by pregnant or lactating women.
When taken in small doses and for short periods of time, there are few to no side effects. Wormwood extract can be taken for up to nine months if the dosage does not exceed one milliliter and if it is used to promote a healthy digestive tract. A doctor should generally be consulted before beginning any herbal remedy routine.