Red meat, dairy products, and fried foods are among the trigger foods for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Coffee and other caffeinated drinks should also be avoided. High animal protein content in red meat and high levels of whey and casein proteins in dairy products tend to cause an IBS flare. Fried foods are also considered to be some of the worst items for IBS. Both coffee and caffeinated beverages can have a serious impact on those who suffer from IBS.
Many foods that trigger irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are known as trigger foods. These include most red meat, dairy products, and fried foods. Coffee and other caffeinated drinks should also be avoided.
For many people, one of the worst IBS trigger foods is anything in the red meat family. This includes steaks, ground beef, and pork products. Scientists believe that it is the high animal protein content in these foods that tends to cause an IBS flare. While it may be difficult for many people to eliminate red meat from their diets entirely, the first step should be to start reducing the frequency of red meat consumption and reducing portion sizes.
Next on the list of worst IBS trigger foods is dairy. Products like milk and cheese may seem healthy enough, but they contain high levels of whey and casein proteins. Dairy products also tend to be very high in fat, another quality to avoid when trying to manage IBS. For many people, eliminating or reducing dairy products has already been done before an IBS diagnosis is made. People who suffer from IBS have generally had lactose intolerance since much earlier in life and have already taken steps to cut out as much dairy as possible.
Since IBS is particularly irritated when high-fat foods are consumed, fried foods are also considered to be some of the worst items for IBS. Regardless of what is being fried, the cooking process itself is what increases the overall fat and calorie content of the food. Fried foods can also be greasy in nature, which can easily trigger an IBS flare as well. Food should be baked, or at least fried, whenever possible, not only to prevent the onset of IBS symptoms, but also to improve the overall levels of fat and calories consumed as part of a balanced diet.
In addition to the many IBS foods to avoid, there are also beverages to eliminate. Both coffee and caffeinated beverages can have a serious impact on those who suffer from IBS. These types of drinks can cause intestinal contractions, and their consumption is one of the easiest ways to trigger an IBS attack. Even decaffeinated coffee contains certain enzymes that can irritate the intestines. Caffeine-free herbal teas, on the other hand, are a safe alternative to both coffee and soft drinks.