Warner Bros. named their cartoon project Looney Tunes in the 1930s to incorporate their music catalog into animated films and compete with Disney’s music sales. Bugs Bunny is a hare, not a rabbit, and Walt Disney holds the record for most Oscar wins. Rin Tin Tin was Warner Bros.’s first big star.
The creative minds at Warner Brothers weren’t bad spellers or just plain silly when they came up with the name Looney Tunes in the 1930s. They didn’t call their cartoon project Looney Toons because it was really all about music, not animation. At the time, Warner Bros. was in a heated rivalry with Disney over music sales. Sheet music and records were the popular commodities of the time, and Warner Bros. thought that incorporating its music catalog into its animated films would benefit its market share. With the arrival of TV and the growing popularity of Warner Bros. characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, the musical attention slowly faded and cartoons have stood out on their own merits. It was really just a coincidence that “tunes” sound like “toons”.
That’s all folks:
Warner Bros.’s first big star wasn’t an actor or a cartoon – it was Rin Tin Tin. During the silent era, the German Shepherd raked in a fortune for the film studio during his 27 film appearances.
Bugs Bunny is actually a hare, not a rabbit, and his famous mannerisms – like coolly munching on a carrot – were copied by Clark Gable in It Happened One Night.
Walt Disney holds the record for most Oscar wins, with 26. He has been nominated 59 times, also this record.