Independent film festivals showcase documentaries, short films, and feature films produced by small studios or individual filmmakers. They provide networking opportunities and award prizes. Major studio-funded films are generally ineligible, and festivals have different award categories. Some festivals allow out-of-competition films to be showcased, and some offer awards for actors, directors, and cinematography.
Typically an independent, or indie, film festival showcases documentaries, short films, and feature films that are usually produced by small studios. Students or individual amateur filmmakers have also been known to submit work to these festivals. These shows provide an opportunity for independent filmmakers to network, market and sell films to larger studios. An independent film festival also gives actors, directors and producers the opportunity to plan and collaborate with other industry professionals on future projects.
Each independent film festival has its own criteria for admission and award consideration. Typically, the director pays a non-refundable fee and must complete an application to start the selection process. Once a film is selected for award judging, copies of the film are submitted in print or digital video format. Most film festivals will not return any media associated with the application process. Prizes are usually awarded in the form of money, services and products.
Films produced, financed or initiated by a major film studio are generally not eligible to participate. Some independent film festivals will allow films produced or distributed by subsidiaries of major studios to be considered. Typically in these cases, more than 50% of the film’s financing comes from an independent source such as a private investor or the director’s private capital. Otherwise, if more than half of the film’s funding comes from a major studio, the film will lose its indie status and will no longer be eligible for consideration.
Almost all of these festivals have different award categories. Popular categories for an independent film festival include Best Documentary, Feature and Short. Many will also include a special category for emerging and student filmmakers. In some cases an independent film festival will only admit films in a specific category, such as documentaries or short films.
Popular festivals such as the Festival de Cannes®, Sundance® and Tribeca® offer filmmakers with out-of-competition films a chance to showcase their work. Out-of-competition films are often films that are ineligible for consideration for the award. Usually these films are either produced by major studios or do not meet the festival’s award consideration criteria. Some independent festivals such as Tribeca® require these films to have at least one premiere in order to be presented.
In addition to honoring and presenting independent films, some festivals also include award categories for actors, directors and cinematography. The Boston Film Festival® is a smaller, lesser-known festival offering the best categories of actors, actresses and cinematography for features, shorts and documentaries. The Festival de Cannes®, which is one of the most prestigious film festivals, also offers similar categories honoring artists and other cinematic contributors.