MRI and fMRI provide valuable information about the body’s structures and metabolic processes, with fMRI focusing on the brain’s activity. Patients may receive both scans, but MRI generates static images while fMRI provides real-time logs. Patients must be screened for safety and may need sedation or ear protection. Contrast materials may be used, but patients should inform the technician of any allergies.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides images of structures within the body, while functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evaluates metabolic processes. Both techniques can provide valuable information about what is happening inside a patient’s body for medical testing, follow-up and research. MRIs can be used anywhere on the body, while fMRI studies focus on the brain, where imaging that can reveal very subtle changes in activity level is especially important. In some cases, patients may receive both MRI and fMRI scans.
In an MRI, the goal is to get an image of anatomical features in a specific area of the body, such as the abdomen. The equipment can be used to generate high resolution images in which various organs will appear clearly distinct from each other and abnormalities such as tumors can be easily identified. fMRI specifically looks at blood flow in the brain and is able to detect very small changes. This allows the test to identify when different areas of the brain become active, which can help a doctor or researcher see what a patient’s brain is doing. MRIs and MRIs are usually ordered for very different reasons.
A key difference between MRI and fMRI is that MRI can generate static images that can be reviewed later for insight into the patient’s body. In an fMRI study, the result is a real-time log of brain activity. It can be frozen on single frames, like a highlight of brain activity, or it can be viewed in video form at a later time. Researchers might want to use fMRI to identify areas of the brain involved in particular responses, for example, while a doctor might order testing to see why a patient can’t perform certain cognitive tasks.
Before MRI or fMRI, the patient should be screened to make sure the procedure is safe. Patients cannot wear metal and must notify the technician of any medical or electrical implants in their bodies. They will also need to remain immobile in a potentially confined environment, unless a facility has an open MRI machine, which may require sedation to keep the patient calm. The equipment used in MRI and fMRI studies is noisy, and some patients wear ear protection, which may include headphones playing music to help them relax.
Patients can spend different amounts of time in the equipment, depending on the purpose of the MRI and fMRI MRI. They should get an estimate before the procedure to help them plan. Some studies also require the use of contrast materials to increase the visibility of certain structures, in which case the patient receives an injection just before imaging. Some contrast agents can cause allergic reactions and patients should ensure that the technician is aware of any history of allergies.