Hot plates are small electrical devices used for cooking and scientific experiments. They are powered by an electric plug and heat coils within the plate. They are made of heavy metal and have one or two burners with temperature settings. They are often used in small apartments, hotels, and college dorms. Scientists use them as a replacement for open flame heat sources. Hot plates are a fire hazard and should not be left unattended. They vary in price and weight, with newer designs having a larger heating surface.
A hot plate is a small electrical device used in cooking and sometimes in scientific experiments. The origin of the device is unclear, but most reports suggest it was invented in the first half of the 20th century as small electronic devices became available. Hot plates are inexpensive and are often a staple in hotel rooms and college dorm rooms.
The mechanics of electric hobs are quite simple. The device is usually powered by an electric plug which, when plugged into an outlet, heats the coils within the hot plate much like an electric burner in a stove. Some newer models are equipped with halogen heating, which heats up much faster than traditional methods.
The plate material is usually a heavy metal, such as cast iron or ceramic. The rest of the hot plate can be made of steel or plastic. Most electric hobs have one or two burners and a variety of knobs for temperature settings and heat alerts.
In small apartments or studios, electric hobs can be an alternative to a large stove. Many single furnished apartments are equipped with a hotplate and do not allow for the installation of a stove. Although some college dorms prohibit the use of hot plates due to the risk of fire, many students keep them on regardless, as a means of heating coffee or making hot snacks.
Budget motels have long provided stoves for guests, though many now replace microwaves. In America, a certain mid-20th century nostalgia surrounds the use of the device, with many associating it with long vacations and cheap inns. A recent American travelogue, written by a college professor in 2007, is even titled Cheap Motels and a Hot Plate: An Economist’s Travelogue.
Scientists use heating pads as a replacement for an open flame heat source, such as a Bunsen burner. In 1942, a New Jersey man named Arthur Rosinger filed a patent for a magnetic stirrer for use with a hotplate. The stirrer works by placing a plastic-coated magnet in the heating vessel, while also having a rotating base magnet under the vessel. This self-mixing technology is often used in chemical experiments.
Hot plates are a fire hazard and have led to many fires and even deaths around the world. These fires can be caused by overheating the pan by accidentally leaving it on or by occasionally setting the cooking object on fire. Never leave a hot plate unattended and be sure to keep a fire extinguisher with you in case of a disaster. Experts recommend that children should not use electric hobs without adult supervision.
The heating devices weigh approximately 2.7 to 3.6 kg, depending on the materials used. They vary in price, with single burner models available for as little as $15 United States Dollars (USD) to as much as $400 USD for an advanced inductive heat version. Some newer designs look like trays or griddles, allowing for a larger usable heating surface for more items. Similar to the hot plate is the warming tray, which has a lower temperature range and is often used by caterers to keep food at the right temperature.