Theistic evolution is the belief that God created the universe and uses evolution to generate biological complexity. It is compatible with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim teachings. Some believe in God’s intervention, while others believe he set initial conditions. The Bible’s creation story is seen as allegorical by some, but others take it literally. Many denominations accept or are neutral towards evolution, but some reject it. Believers who see Genesis as a literal account cannot be convinced otherwise.
Theistic evolution is the idea that classical Jewish, Christian, or Muslim religious teachings about God and creation are compatible with the scientific understanding of Darwinian evolution. Theistic evolution claims that God created the universe but that he uses evolution and natural selection to generate its biological complexity. Adherents of theistic evolution vary in the degree to which they posit God’s intervention: some might say that he personally intervenes to create new kinds of species, others that he just sets the initial conditions and lets things pretty much work out Sun. Terms largely synonymous with theistic evolution include “Christian Darwinism” and “evolutionary creationism.”
Although theistic evolution only gained popularity with the introduction and adoption of Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection, it is based on the older idea that the creation story in the book of Genesis is allegorical rather than literal. This concept appears in the Christian writings of St. Augustine (4th century) and in the Jewish writings of Philo of Alexandria (1st century), Maimonides (12th century), and Gersonides (13th century). Modern adherents of theistic evolution point out that the Bible was written in a prescientific age for the purpose of spiritual instruction, and it would be a mistake to view it as scientifically literal. Other Christians and Jews disagree and argue that the creation story in Genesis should be taken literally, with man being created on the sixth day of the universe’s existence.
There are many Christian, Jewish and Islamic denominations that accept or at least are neutral towards biological evolution. An example would be the Roman Catholic Church: Darwinian evolutionary theory is commonly taught in Catholic schools. However, the Catholic Church has been somewhat vague about its positions in official pronouncements. Of the four major denominations of Judaism (Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox), three accept theistic evolution, with parts of one, Orthodox Judaism, especially Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, rejecting it. There is much debate about theistic evolution within Orthodox Judaism, where many recognize the Talmud as scientific truth. In Islam, theistic evolution is accepted among the more liberal camps.
While there are thousands of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic scientists who believe in theistic evolution, no amount of argument or persuasion can convince the millions of believers who regard Genesis as a historical and factual scientific account of the earth’s creation. The different interpretations of Genesis used by these believers can be found in our articles on Young Earth Creationism and Old Earth Creationism.