Emotional security is the ability to handle negative situations healthily. Emotionally secure people can cope with life events without severe depression. Emotional insecurity can cause drastic levels of grief and despair. Causes vary and everyone copes differently. Seeking therapy can benefit both emotionally secure and insecure individuals.
A person’s level of emotional security describes their ability to deal with negative life situations in ways that are healthy, expected, and acceptable. Emotionally secure people can cope with major and minor life events without experiencing severe and life-altering depression or other mental health problems. Typically, this is in contrast to emotionally insecure people, who lack the psychological resilience to “bounce back” from difficult circumstances. While it is common for people to cultivate emotional security or insecurity early in life, it is possible to develop such stability or instability during adulthood. Regardless of a person’s level of psychological resilience, however, they may need professional help to deal with certain life events.
Situations in which a person’s emotional security is tested include the death of a loved one, a divorce or broken relationship, and even the loss of a job. In general, an emotionally secure person has a healthy level of self-esteem and confidence and can handle these situations without suffering severe depression or experiencing other mental health and emotional issues. Typically, she will experience an expected level of sadness, worry, or worry. Depending on the situation, she may even seek counseling or therapy to better deal with the problem. Eventually, though, she’ll come to grips with the situation and, however appropriate, move on with her life.
On the other hand, a person suffering from emotional insecurity might have low self esteem and lack of self esteem. Such a person often doesn’t know how to deal healthily with situations that make them feel vulnerable. You may react to situations such as job loss and broken relationships with drastic levels of grief, depression and despair. These levels affect your daily life and may even hinder your ability to plan and look ahead. Even small setbacks, such as a close friend moving to another city, can devastate a person suffering from emotional insecurity.
The causes or reasons for emotional security and insecurity vary. A person might cultivate the skills to develop and maintain emotional stability early in life, or they might experience some sort of tragedy in adulthood that damages their emotional state enough to cause self-doubt. Similarly, she may become emotionally insecure in childhood and, unless she learns to deal with that insecurity, carry it throughout her life.
Regardless of the characteristics and reasons for emotional security and insecurity, everyone reacts and copes with life situations in their own way. It might seem natural for an emotionally insecure person to seek therapy. However, depending on the situation, it is important to remember that even an emotionally secure person can benefit from counseling at times.